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Soul Food

Sit or lie upon Pachamama, Mother Earth. Feel the beat of her heart, and let it permeate your soul. If the sun is shining, absorb the rays of light. If wind is whirling, receive the energy. If it’s raining, let the waters from the heavens cleanse you. Can you see the moon? Take in the luminosity.

All answers, all healing can be found within Mother Nature. Notice the birds. Do you hear them singing? What are the crickets telling you? Breathe deeply. Explore. What do you notice? Allow Mother Nature entrance into your heart and soul, and receive Her bounty.

She provides everything we need – all day, in every moment. There’s the ocean, lakes and rivers…. The mountains and meadows…. The earth in our own back yards….  She’s always there. Are we taking the time out of our busy lives to notice Her? To allow Her to nurture and sustain us? 

Pachamama offers us healthy food that feeds our souls. Let’s all eat up!!!!!






  1. jody

    Thank you Annie,

    I am going to borrow this for yoga tomorrow!!!!



  2. Becky Novak

    Thanks, Annie. I love this. I’ll share it with my Facebook friends. I’ve been spending up to several hours a day in my garden, weeding, watching, watering, and loving every minute of my time outdoors in the springtime.

    Sometimes…. In the evening hours I watch deer hovering in the adjacent properties, they pause, and silently watch me. I tell them, “Hello dear ones,” as their luminous eyes stare back excitedly, filled with curiosity.

    In the cool early mornings the birds fill my ears and heart with song, and I hear the bees gently humming in the background of my wandering thoughts and fantasies. Tall trees shadow the earth with a cool embrace while the sun ever so slowly heats the air and consumes the ground around me, chasing away the shadows, and radiating it’s life force to it’s fullest potential.

    Ava, now three, comes into the garden wandering up to my side, gifting me with a small bright yellow yarrow flower. “Here, Nana, a flower for you!” I take the tiny blossom from her with great appreciation, and then thank her to please add it to the vase on the dining room table with the others she’s picked the day before.

    My spirit is filled with joy as my eyes rest on the succulent new growth and delicate leaves of spring, and the fanciful bright faces of poppies swaying in the soft morning breeze. I smell the sweet scent of damp earth as I pull away the long tendrils of field grasses from the flower beds. My buddy pet dog comes to sniff my foot, greeting me with his friendly smiling face, panting happily and waiting for his pat on the head. What could be more peaceful and joyful than a lovely spring day like this?

    I am blessed.

    Peace and Light,
    Becky Novak : )


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