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“There are two ways to live. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.”
Albert Einstein

What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual Healing is a multi-faceted way of working with universal energies to restore physical vitality and emotional wholeness.
It takes place within the landscape of the soul, a blend of refined and heavy energies that affects our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Heavy Energy Manifests as Illness or Suffering

Do you experience physical illness or chronic pain?

Do you suffer from depression or post-traumatic stress?

Do you feel lost, unable to ground, or not fully embodied?

Has allopathic medicine been unable to resolve your issue?

Spiritual Healing Creates a Space for Miracles

A woman with a curved spine stepped off the healing table and walked away with a straight back.

MRIs report shrunken tumors and healed lung tissue.

A man with unresolved pain almost two years after surgery became pain-free just three days after his healing.

“A mother and her young child had been in a tragic bus accident in Mexico and months later were still suffering from nightmares. The community priest and local shaman could not resolve their trauma, so I sent them to Annie. After only one Healing Ceremony, not only were they sleeping well; their faces were glowing.” Sarah

The Foundation of Spiritual Healing is Faith and Trust in the Divine

My task is to be heart-centered, aware on all levels, and grounded in Faith and Trust. Divine emissaries attend to the rest.

Healing Ceremonies

During a healing, heavy energy is released and transformed.

Burdens are freed. Space is created.

People feel lighter, healthier, more whole, and awake.

Each ceremony takes place in a safe, sacred space and includes an initial phone conversation where you receive pre-healing suggestions, a recording of your healing, and recommendations for post-healing integration.

All Spiritual Healings vary. Yours might be an integration of:

Hands-on Healing
Soul Retrieval
Inner Dialogue
Channeled Guidance
Spiritual Counseling
The Khuyas

“I had my first healing with Annie in November 2000. This led to a soul retrieval and her six-month Spiritual Healing class. Annie helped me heal places that were keeping me from moving forward and gave me tools to discover, love, and become the true divine spirit I am. She is the example of how to hold the space for another as they heal and awaken within.” Bren

“I’ve worked with Annie since 2001, and her expertise as a Spiritual Healer continuously amazes me. Many of my patients have left her table with miraculous physical healing and spiritual growth. Working with her is one of the highlights of my practice and counting her as a friend greatly enhances my life.” 

Susan, NMD.

Can Spiritual Healing Cure Everything?

No. But it can get to the root cause of most disturbances and either relieve them or offer an understanding of why their presence is important. Illness is a Teacher. The opportunities our Spirit chooses for learning do not necessarily equate with our Human aspirations.