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Become an Initiated Chunpi Paqo

The Sacred Khuya Ceremony


The Khuya Ceremony takes place within the soul, or energy bubble as the Q’ero call it. This is the field of living energy surrounding our physical bodies that expands, contracts, and defines our personal space (or lack of.)

Khuya stones are used to open, cleanse, empower, and connect the seven major energy centers of the body via a series of chunpis – belts of power. During this interactive experience, heavy energy of all kinds is released, and by the end, a person is left within their purified bubble—their own, unique energetic signature.

According to stories shared with Juan’s father—anthropologist Oscar Nunez del Prado who is credited with “discovering” the Q’ero—when Indigenous healers were unable to restore a sick person to health, the Chunpi Paqo was summoned to perform these energy belt rituals, and the person was healed. 

Help keep the Khuya Ceremony alive!

 During this weekend you’ll learn about and experience:

             A Despacho Ceremony    Differentiation of Energies     Our Spiritual Stomachs

     Digesting and Refining Hucha (heavy energy)     Receiving Sami (refined energy)

 Each participant will perform and receive the Khuya Ceremony.

 We begin on Friday night with a Despacho.

And continue Saturday and Sunday all day.

 Bring 1 or 5 stones to use as your personal khuyas and a cloth about 18 inches square (it doesn’t have to be exact) to wrap them in.   



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