We recently completed the Spiritual Healing and the Human Soul Class, and I wish to honor my students. These women are exceptional people who are willing to go beyond self perceived limitations and boundaries and walk what I call a “two footed walk.” I believe much of the power of a spiritual healer comes from our commitment and willingness to do this.
Imagine that one foot is your personal foot and the other, your healer foot.
Focusing on the personal foot involves confronting our wounds and fears. As we free ourselves from the past, no matter how painful, we arrive in the present with the knowledge and wisdom we experientially gained through the process; this is the shamanic way of living. The healer foot moves forward, and refined energy and newly acquired “medicine” becomes available to us and our clients.
Two feet walking together serves All Beings.
The women, in no particular order:
Christina – social worker, alchemical hypnotherapist, creative manifester of many things clay, food and more…..
Sharon – omni-swing and yoga practitioner, classical homeopath, talented artist and more….
Maria – massage and myofacial release therapist, champion of wild monkeys, outdoors woman, and more…
Jean Louise – master practitioner and instructor of structural integration, great (and generous) cook, and more…
Lisa – healing path paver, guide to many, fabulous cake-maker, and more…
Krissy – massage therapist, courageous role model to all, wise woman, and more….
Here is a poem written by my youngest student, Maria, intensely committed to the path.
While they dance and play and connect with each other
I recover alone in the quiet darkness.
Though I deeply wanted to play and frolic in the rays and petals,
I spent the days going deep, deep within, where I didn’t want to be
Healing old wounds, restoring my fragmented self in its vast array.
I want to play. I want to dance. I want to have connection.
But I know my work is to go ever deeper, ever deeper, ever deeper.
To root out and heal every wound, every fragment, every piece.
So that when they stop dancing, when they can’t play,
when they struggle to connect…
I can show them the way.
Christina, Sharon, Maria, Jean Louise, Lisa, Krissy:
Love and Blessings, Annie
This is so sweet, and I feel blessed to KNOW that my two feet are walking on a good spiritual and physical path. ~Christina
Yes Annie, we are all walking this together. I love our energies and strong vision to be strong inside and bold outside, so that mystical magic can happen. This is way better than nursing any day.