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To the Healers

A successful healer experiences and lives infinite teachings of Love. Love of self, love of one’s god – whatever that might be – and love of others. And our task, above all else, is to expand our client’s capabilities for love. To help them open their hearts to themselves so they can experience how beautiful and special they are.

How can we accomplish this?

By asking others to help facilitate this very knowing within us. By being open and vulnerable, and allowing another to midwife us into our own heart awakening and healing. We are our clients.

The human heart holds self-love and bathes in it – if it’s free to. Many of us have protective coatings inside and around our hearts that keep loving energies from breathing and circulating. These coatings must be addressed and healed so love of self can flow.

When one is in an experience of self-love, there’s no need for restrictive barriers or filters. Self-love itself gives the heart the ability of self protection, without limiting the flow of loving and being loved.

Fear can keep us from acknowledging and entering our emotional suffering. But why is the thought of opening, cleansing and healing a wound so scary? Isn’t fear sometimes more painful than the actual wound?

As healers, we walk a two-footed walk. One foot is our healer foot and the other, our personal foot. To be in balance, we use both.

If it’s our path to help others, let’s open our hearts to ourselves. Attend to our own shame, self-hatred, anger, vulnerability. Dis-empowerment. Break through scabs of old, festering wounds and allow them to heal, from the inside out. And not just once, but periodically throughout our lives, for our work calls for it.

The choice to move into and through our personal suffering offers many gifts. Our hearts expand. Perspective awakens. We become free from the past and able to live in the present moment. And then there are the surprises. When I was doing intensive healing regarding my childhood, I found that the deeper I went, the greater my healing abilities became!

That’s how I discovered the two-footed walk. I know that walking with both feet is the only way.

Many years ago at Healing Quest I was given a practice. Chris, my partner at Quest, and I sit together each morning and take turns asking one another:

Is there anything keeping you from loving yourself today?                                               

Can you forgive yourself?                                                                                                           

Can you have compassion for yourself?

Sometimes the exercise is fun and brief; other times it’s confronting. However long it takes, we begin each day with both feet – personal and healer/leader – grounded in Self-Love.

To all present and future healers – free your hearts. For yourself, your family, community and the entirety of the human soul. A self-loving heart opens all doors one might perceive are locked.

Layered HeartFree HeartThank you to my oldest and best friend, Jean Anderson, for the art. Remember these???


  1. Loving you Annie for all you share and do for others. Your practice of the “Three Questions for Forgiving and Loving Yourself” is a wonderful way to start the day clearing out all the negativity, doubts, fears deceptions, and stuck energies that haunt the mind and spirit. I love how when all is forgiven it dissolves all the negativity, and how free we become to truly love ourselves again, and again, and walk two-footed in joy, and peace, and in harmony with all that is. I’m writing these “Three Questions” in my journal tonight so I am sure to remember them, and use them to begin the daily practice for healing myself during my morning meditations. Thank You & Many Blessings to You Annie.

  2. “And then there are the surprises.” By now I should know your commitment to healing self and others is steadfast, yet each time you share your wisdom I am surprised by the bedrock on which you stand. Thank you for this generous gift.

  3. “The choice to move into and through our personal wounds offers many gifts. Our hearts expand. We awaken. We become free from the past and able to live in the present moment. We gain wisdom.”

    Thank you for sharing this, Annie. And thank you for being one of my truest and most present and consistent guides. It is absolutely the opening of Love of Self that has allowed me to move through this process of my inside-out, Fullcircle Spiritual Healing. Without it, I was perpetually “moving into” the Stuff and getting quite “stuck”.

    Happy to say that I am finding the freedom and enjoying my surprise: Clarity! Sweet, delicious, grounding and life-expanding Clarity. Interestingly enough, after finding that, nothing else will do. So, I am loving the reminder of your Healing Quest process. When, like Now, my awareness brings me another package of personal beliefs and/or personal history to mulch and refine … I know that the Light of Love will shine a sure-two-footed-path … to move through and forward to a more whole and vital life experience.

    Aho! and Aloha to you, Jean and all of the extended Healing Quest family.
    With profound love and appreciation,


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