I was walking my dog Apu at the park and thinking about Gaza and Israel. When did separation and duality become so out of control? Former President Barack Obama recently said, “What’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable.” I feel the same.
I hardly noticed when Apu stopped to joyfully roll in deer scent. I was someplace else, my mind lost in sadness and my eyes streaming tears. Suddenly, a melodic bird song awakened me from my troubled trance. I stopped, looked up, but saw nothing.
Then I laughed out loud.
With all the horrific actions taking place on this planet, the birds are still singing.
I began walking and heard the bird again. Was it singing directly into my right ear? I looked all around but no bird. Then again. Three bird songs with no visible bird. I shook my head in amazement and continued along.
I am trying to resolve a dilemma.
Genocide is occurring at the same time I’m planning a group trip to Peru, but whenever I think about posting the itinerary, I get stuck. How can I have the privilege to do something life-enhancing while thousands of people are being killed? And that’s just in one area of the world.
So, I think about yanantin. 
If you read my book, you know yanantin— the union of dissimilar energies— is my favorite Quechua word. Here’s an example relating to this post: Atrocities are taking place in Gaza and Israel while… Birds sing. Apu happily rolls around. I’m planning a Peru trip.
The problem with yanantin is that it’s a spiritual concept that does not erase human suffering. Should I put everything in the karma category?
In 1999, on the final night of the Crystal Kailash Pilgrimage, my spirit Teacher gave us an ominous teaching about the future. It included:
“The Template of Oneness is reestablishing itself around the Earth, and as this occurs, you will see duality fighting for its life. You must remember that Unity exists always, even within the most outrageous expressions of separation.”

He continued, “The best way to go about life during these chaotic, transitional times is to remain in conscious connection with oneself. As Spirit. Light. Love. As One with All. See every person in this way. Live from your heart, become a beacon of light for those who need your offerings, and travel the path your unique beacon illuminates. This is how to live as a spirit/human being.”
Our spirit/human beingness is a true yanantin.
This past July, on his eighty-eighth birthday, the Dalai Lama said, “I pray to be able to bring peace to the world by spreading an understanding of the oneness of humanity. Although I am just one human being in the short term, I aspire to contribute to world peace in thought, word, and deed. While in the long term, I pray that everyone may reach Buddhahood.”
To resolve my dilemma (and post my trip itinerary), I must – Acknowledge yanantin. Accept that Unity exists beyond the devastating duality we are witnessing and feel powerless to stop. Embrace the wisdom of the Nobel Peace Prize winner and spiritual leader of Tibet. Integrate the guidance of my Teacher. Feed my heart so my unique beacon of light can illuminate the path of Faith and Trust. And listen to the birds.
My Teacher once said, “Try not to become caught up in the human dilemma for too long, for you are divine within the disguise of a human being.” Unfortunately, not becoming “caught up in the human dilemma for too long” has become difficult.

How are you dealing with the exploding violence and separation in the world?
I invite you to share your wisdom on this post.
Thank you in advance. Annie
Thank you!
People are receiving error notices and are emailing me directly.
This is from Gena.
I wrote this comment and it didn’t work so here it is in an email.
Annie, I really appreciate and resonate with this. A friend just went to Teo for ceremony practice, and it reminded me of the four-petaled flower, and the ritual we did on top of the Pyramid of the Sun to release Unity into the world. Important work is needed, and going to Peru, well, all is connected as you know.
You predicted the now in Teo and said the way through was love.
Gena McCarthy RN,
This one is from Elaine.
Good Morning Annie,
Just read your wisdom perspective on the war in Gaza and tried to comment but it kept bouncing to a page that said “Error”
i wrote that I remember reading something from the Dalai Lama that said something along the lines that, “In times of darkness it is even more important to remember to hold the light, to be beacons for the light, and in great times of darkness, our abilities to become enlightened are grown, and our being in the Unity of All with the Love of Light can be magnified.” Something like that, that I held onto to help when things feel horrific.
Thank you Annie for helping us to remember this with your message and words of wisdom in these times of war.
This is from Salita.
Thanks Annie. This is beautifully said!
I don’t feel wise right now, but for whatever wisdom I do have at times, believing in Oneness leads me to include in the scope of my compassion those whom I consider unwise. That’s difficult, and I fail regularly at that, particularly when people kill others. It’s a hard time. Love is in my heart. Salita