The Human Heart is an aspect of the Cosmic Heart, and as such,
Is in perpetual union with the Divine.
This makes our potential for loving limitless.
The Light of Love is All is a prayer that was given to a healing class through me in 2000.
It was a gift from Mother Mary.
I believe it’s the most potent prayer that exists and repeat it at every Healing Ceremony.
Would you like to learn how to work with it?
Place your hands upon your heart/soul space, (your heart chakra) close your eyes.
Imagine a bright Light in the center.
This is the Light of Source/The Light of Love within us.
Our core identity.
Breathe in and out. Focus each inhalation on the Light and imagine your breath further igniting it.
Repeat The Light of Love is All with each inhalation and exhalation.
When you feel ready, during your next exhalation
Envision the Light traveling down your arms and out your hands.
There’s no need to push.
Allow it to flow naturally as it nourishes the center of your being directly through your hands.
Now that you’re in a rhythm, try one more thing.
Place your hands somewhere else on your body. Are you prone to headaches? Put them on your head.
Is your neck tight? Put them there. Does your stomach hurt? Let them rest on your belly.
Continue breathing to your center, and once again
Exhale the Light down your arms and out your hands while repeating:
The Light of Love is All. The Light of Love is All. The Light of Love is All.
Are your hands tingly? Hot? How does your body feel?
Everyone likes validation, but sensations and experiences are irrelevant.
What is relevant is trusting that you are a Divine Light of Love residing within your soul,
As well as a Human conduit for this Light.
Everyone can channel the Light of Love. After all, it’s our birthright.
