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Shamanic Rebirth

It’s almost Easter weekend, a time I think about Shamanic Rebirth.

Friday, March 29th is Death Day. What is the life within you that is dying?

Saturday, the 30th is In-between Day—when we’re neither here nor there.

Sunday, the 31st is Rebirth Day. What is the new life you are being born into?

Here is an excerpt from Unity Begins Within.
Shamanic Rebirth, one of the most powerful templates for healing and awakening I’ve ever worked with, offers us opportunities to participate in death and rebirth without physically dying.

Do you remember how the outer layer of the soul directly affects our lives? Its energy radiates down through the multi-layered landscape, reaches the emotional and physical bodies, and informs our entire existence. If the energy of low self-esteem lives there, you most likely see its manifestations everywhere in your life. It’s the same with uncertainty, fears of all kinds, doubt, abandonment, and on and on.

The purpose of Shamanic Rebirth is to free that energy/hucha and replace it with something positive.

First, we name an unhealthy theme or pattern we’ve been struggling with and call it—a life that is dying. Here are a few examples from past participants. All themes begin with The Life of:

Shame. Expectations. Judgment. Insecurity. Fear of Manifesting. Needing Acceptance and Approval. Resistance. Entanglement in Habitual Behavior. The Guilty Self. Identification with childhood wounds. Anguish. Low self-worth. Resentment.

Once we become clear about the life that’s dying, we decide what life is ready and willing to take its place and be born. Here are a few examples. All begin with My New Life is:

Enacting magic. Unity. Self-love. Inspiration. Enlivening passion. Freedom. The peaceful, harmonious wild woman. Emotional strength.

Then it’s time for the Khuya Ceremony.

Khuya means sacred object in Quechua, the language of the Q’ero. This ancient ceremony is part of their heritage and has been kept alive by Juan Nunez del Prado, my teacher of the Andean Mystical Path. The intention of the ceremony is to purify the energy bubble or soul and leave a person in their own energy. Special stones are used to open, cleanse, empower, and connect the seven major energy centers via a series of energy belts. I was initiated to perform this ceremony in 1997 and have discovered it to be a powerful means of facilitating Shamanic Rebirth.

Once a person becomes clear about both lives, the ceremony officially begins.

We stand across from one another, and I ask, “What is the life that is dying?” After the person names it aloud, I ask, “Are you sure you’re ready to let it go?”  It’s important to be fully committed because a new life will change many things. If the person is sure, I ask, “What is the name of your new life?” And “Are you sure this is how you want to live?”

Once s/he is in harmony with the ceremony, I open their energy bubble with focused intent, and literally push away and release the impression of the old life. This makes space available for the new, healthy life to take its place, and the rest of the ceremony aligns every energy center to that potential. When it’s complete, the person rests.

The Khuya Ceremony, while life-changing, takes less than thirty minutes. What I call “The Resurrection of Self Phase” begins right away and lasts about nine months.

Since creating a new life in the present affects everything we’ll experience in the future, a willingness—sometimes minute to minute or day by day—to completely let go of the old and identify with the new, is core. It’s not an automatic fit. Once the ceremony is complete, a person returns to the life they had been living before, which has now become a past life. Change can be scary and is something many of us wish for, yet really don’t want.

It takes courage and trust to live in the mysterious unfolding of a new life.

The familiarity of the past will linger, and every day will offer a moment, event, or excuse to go back to the old life. It’s an easy default to revert to familiar patterns. The past is strong within our being and ready to continue as if a miraculous opportunity hadn’t occurred. My Teacher said:

“The mind is an instrument of the soul. See its activity as energy.
Breathe the energy of the mind down, and let it feed your soul.”

Using the mind in this way allows us to coordinate our entire self with the new reality and become stronger during The Resurrection of Self phase. As we consciously support our new awakening, we notice the new life take hold and the old one fade into the past.

Ask yourself, “What am I doing?” “Am I happy?” “Do I have unfilled dreams?” “What are they?” “Am I willing to live them?” “Can I commit to releasing the past and beginning anew?” Shamanic Rebirth has its crossroads and difficulties, but isn’t life challenging anyway?

You might be wondering, “How can I participate in Shamanic Rebirth without receiving the Khuya Ceremony?”  Try this:

Put some thought into naming the life that’s dying, as well as the life you’d like to be reborn into. Take as much time as you need; it might be weeks before you become clear.

When you’re ready, create an altar—a cloth where you place cherished objects—and include a candle, a piece of paper, and something to write with. Light the candle and open a ceremony in whatever way feels sacred to you. As always, be sure to center and ground. Call your healing guides and teachers. You don’t have to know who they are or feel them, just put out the intention and trust the results. Consider asking a friend to join in; s/he can witness and support you or explore Shamanic Rebirth themself.

Write down the name of the life that’s dying, and then say it out loud. Be definitive. Committed. For example, “The life that is dying is the life of shame. I am over it! Done! Complete!” Feel free to express gratitude for how it’s gotten you to the present moment, and then tear the paper into little pieces and place them on the altar.

Write down the name of your new life and say it out loud. Be passionate. After all, you’re creating an intention for your future. Place it on the other side of your altar.

Stand tall. Re-center, ground, and place your arms out and assume a position of power. Now call to your invisible guides and ask them to remove the template of your old life from the outer skin of your soul. Help them by breathing it off and imagining the entire process. When you sense it’s complete, call to your new life and breathe it into your soul, including each energy center. Do this until you feel that the Shamanic Rebirth healing is solid.

Before you close your ceremony, take the torn-up papers of your old life and get rid of them in some way. You can burn, bury, or even throw them in the garbage or toilet. Do whatever feels right for you.

Whenever you feel ready, close your ceremony with gratitude, and blow out the candle.

Move your altar someplace in your home where you’ll see it often. Make sure the statement of your new life is visible. And then gift yourself to yummy birthday treat.

Remember, you’re a newborn baby with a new life. Be patient. Love yourself.

Begin your ceremony on Friday, count on having surprising awakenings on Saturday, and complete it on Sunday.



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