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Remembering and Living Unity in a Realm of Separation

How do we Remember and Live Unity while navigating the depth of separation, suffering, and arrogance in our world? Here are five suggestions that help me.


I walk my dog, Apu, off-leash in the park every morning. He gets to be free. Smell everything. Roll around on the grass, dirt, and even textured concrete surfaces. I love watching him experience joy in every multi-textured encounter.  And when he looks at me to make sure I’m noticing his antics, he often catches me in prayer.

My prayers all revolve around gratitude. From my spiritual creation to my health to my family and on and on. Similar and different each day. Gratitude helps me claim my individuated spirit/soul/human self, as well as reminds me that—while I am just “me”— I am also part of “all.”

As are you. We are each an individuated slice of the human soulular pie.

Daily Gratitude helps me Remember and Live Unity.

Partnership with Pachamama/Mother Earth

I like wind. It has the power to purify and renew the soul. On windy days I go outside, stand tall, and stretch my arms high above my head. (If I’m out with Apu, I do this while walking.) I breathe and call, “Wayra!” (The Quechua word for wind.) “Come come. Free my heavy energy and purify my soul.” Sometimes it plummets me from the front, and other times it pushes me from behind. Either way, I sway in the swirl and receive the refined energy.

When the sun is shining, I breathe its rays of light deep into my center. During a rainfall, I go outside and absorb the heavenly waters, although if it’s pouring, I open my door and listen to the current-song as the rain flows down from above and feeds the Earth.

Each morning, I sit in my yard, drink tea, and listen to bird songs. Their chorus changes in the evening, and while sipping my wine, I look around to see which bird is singing each part. And then suddenly, like magic, the co-ordinated singing stops. And the stars appear.

Whatever time of day, whether you sit, stand, or lie upon the Earth, allow Pachamama in all her forms to enter your body, heart, and consciousness. Her healing energies—wind, sun, birds, trees, rocks, lakes, mountains, ocean— are constant. Receive them as they receive you. After all, we’re in a partnership that offers us infinite soul food, the perfect nourishment for healing, awakening, and remembering spiritual Unity.

My Partnership with Pachamama helps me Remember and Live Unity.

The State of My Soul

The soul expands and contracts. I pay attention to what I’m doing when my soul is expanded. How I feel. Where I am. Who I’m with. When your soul is expanded… Where are you? How do you feel? Who are you with? Soulular expansion is unifying.

I pay attention to what I’m doing when my soul is contracted. How I feel. Where I am. Who I’m with. When your soul is contracted… Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you spending time with? Soulular contraction fosters separation.

Paying Attention to the State of my Soul helps me Remember and Live Unity.

My Heart

Our heart/soul space is in the center of the chest. Place your hands upon it. Inhale. Feed it with your breath. Exhale. Release any heavy energy that might be lodged there.

The light of our spirit-beingness lives within the center of our heart/soul space. Integrate the prayer—The Light of Love is All—within your cellular structure, and let it grow and fill every cell of your body.

By attending to our heart/soul/spirit selves, we begin to feel Divine love—which is everyone’s true identity. No matter how much separation they might be living.

Nourishing my Heart/Light helps me Remember and Live Unity.

A Beacon of Light

We are living in difficult times. It’s easy to become frozen, desolate, and fall into despair and powerlessness. Become immersed in anger. Indignation. Rage. I’ve felt all of these and wondered, “What can I do to create change? I’m just one person. What is my part?”

My only answer is: I must Remember and Live Unity. And with this awareness, become a Radiating Beacon of Light. Not just in the healing room. In the grocery store. While pumping gas. At the park. Then maybe, just maybe, my beacon will awaken someone else’s memory of Unity.

Try it. 

Become a Radiating Beacon of Light and Unity. And choose to trust (I learned long ago that trust is often a choice) that as you walk the unique path your beacon illuminates, you will see what is needed along the way.

Remembering and Living Unity just might be the way of the evolved human.


  1. Great post. It took me all kinds of places. It reminds me that the everyday stuff is also sacred.

  2. Peace is in that soul space.
    Often the only place we can find it. Thank you


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