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Invigorating the Immune System

“The immune system is the circulating intelligence of the human body.”    Jon Carlson


Our unique spark of Divine Light lives within and emanates from our heart/soul space in the center of the chest. Yet Light doesn’t just live within the physical body.

We live within Light.

Light surrounds and embraces us. It enters our bodies from above, through the crown chakra. It enters our bodies from below, through the feet and the root chakra. And it enters our bodies from all around, through our cells and energetic vortexes.

When we inhale to our center, our inner Light ignites into a magnificent display of fireworks and creates a traveling network that moves through flowing blood, energy centers, and meridians. This Divine web enhances and unifies the Body and Soul on all levels.

Try this.

Place your hands upon your heart/soul space, and see/feel/sense the eternal Light within.The Light of Love. Breathe. Receive Light from above. Receive Light from below. Receive Light from within and all around yourself.

Invigorate Your Immune System

1: Stand tall, and raise your arms high. Call for Celestial Light to infuse you, and with a deep breath, receive it through your crown. See Light moving down through your entire body, filling every nook and cranny in your physical/soulular system. Energizing each pathway, blood, synapse, and connection. When it reaches your feet, offer the Light to Pachamama/Mother Earth. She will digest any heavy energy it might have collected.

2: With another breath, bring the energy and Light of Pachamama up through your root chakra, feet, and legs, and energize the pathways again. When it reaches the top of your head, exhale, and offer the heavy energy to the Universe.

Place your hands upon your heart/soul space.

3: Breathe into your center—the eternal Light of Love. Exhale, and let your limitless, inner Light fill, unify, and make bold and brilliant all synapses and pathways throughout your entire system.

            Your immune system is fed, ignited, and invigorated.

You are radiating so much Light that your soul fills the Universe.

You Remember Unity.

The Light of Love is All.


  1. Thank you. What perfect unification. Opened your email and did it straight away. Crows singing outside the window. Bless you.

  2. I feel the love, thanks for the energizing practice.


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