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Shamanic Journeying Workshop


Shamanism is often considered the oldest, cross-cultural spiritual path and can be dated back 100,000 years. It is experientially based, which takes it out of the categories of faith-based religions or belief systems. This is because the direct revelations each person undergoes color the unique lens through which they see the world and become teachings for their lives. Shamanism is practiced throughout the world, and every culture has its distinctive shamanic cosmology, symbols, initiatory events, practices, and beliefs.

The Shamanic Journey

The shamanic journey is a bridge that connects the spiritual realms with this one. We alter our consciousness through culture-specific as well as empirically learned techniques, and then, with purpose and intention, cross the bridge to receive insights, information, and healing specifics. Upon our return, we implement the knowledge we gained in this earthly realm.

 Power Animals

Power animals are the spirits of animals that live with the soul. Each one—with its unique gifts—provides support, guidance, and protection while helping the shamanic journeyer navigate spiritual terrain.

Living from a Shamanic Perspective

Everything is alive, conscious, and unified within a cosmic web of Life. Being awake and living within this interconnection enhances our lives daily.

Participate in a

Three Day, Small Group

Immersion into Shamanism and the 

Shamanic Journey

February 7, 8, and 9.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 

In Chico, California.

I look forward to supporting you along your unique learning journey.

Be in touch. 


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