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The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go

I traveled in Peru for 10 weeks this summer with my dear friend, Salita.


We were based in the Sacred Valley and spent time in many places including Machu Picchu, Cusco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, and the Q’ero village of Charkapata. If you read my last blog, Big Love and Health, you already know a little bit about the trip.

For the most part, I stayed very healthy. I never had a problem with altitude (we have the best homeopathic remedies for this!) and high-potency garlic supplements took care of other concerns. As far as the Big Love part, yes, the entire trip can certainly be put in that category. It’s even affecting people who weren’t there.

For example, since I returned I hadn’t felt all the way “back” and asked my amazing friend, Joy if she would do a soul retrieval for me. During the shamanic journey, as she was in the process of discovering, healing, and restoring parts of my heart that were still lingering in Peru, Joy was so moved by my experiences, that her heart burst open and has remained so.

It was a trip of Big Love for sure. And that Love came in many forms: through people, of course, yet also through the land. Pachamama, Mother Earth. And the Apus, Mountain Spirits.

I’ve been going to Peru for almost 20 years. Why do I keep returning?

My friend, Paulita left a wooden triangle painted like a glacier on my table which says – The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go. As soon as I read that, I knew why I took my first journey in 1996 and why I’ll be returning next year.

In the beginning, it was Apu Phutu Cusi, Flowering Joy, the only female mountain at Machu Picchu, who sought me out and called me to Peru. This Nusta, an amazing, loving aspect of the Divine Feminine in Nature, has blessed my Life and continues to communicate, heal, and share her wisdom with me.


Apu Huaynu Picchu moves through all 3 realms in mysterious ways. A masculine apu, he is the highest peak at Machu Picchu, yet at his base are sacred caves the Inka built around and into – Caves of the Feminine and Pachamama. I had an energetic experience with him years ago and believe he saved my life from a potentially, destructive illness. In addition, the caves (and Beings of the caves) attended to me with love and devotion during the integration of my shamanic initiation.




Apu Ausangate is perhaps the most sacred of all apus, and in 1997, I rode a horse up steep cliff edges to visit him. (If you know me, you’re laughing right now.) After many despachos (offerings) and ceremonies, it was very late (and freezing!) when we went to bed. In the middle of the night, Apu Ausangate woke me up. His energy was so strong and all-encompassing that it frightened me. I had to decide whether I was going to have a nervous breakdown or take rescue remedy and b-r-e-a-t-h-e……… I chose the latter (so grateful I had the choice) and have never forgotten the gift of that meeting.


When I first learned that in the Q’ero tradition, Apu Veronica is the Keeper of the Black Light, said to be the most powerful Healing Light that exists, I knew one day I needed to meet her. This past year and a half I’ve been privileged to visit her 4 times, and I’ve received 3 different karpays (energy transmissions) of her from Q’ero pampa mesayocs (Westerners call them shamans, although they call themselves paqos.) I feel Apu Veronica deep within me and know my relationship with her is just beginning.


In April I met Apu Mama Simona who lives and emanates outside of Cusco. In addition to a karpay, I had a rebirth in her presence and energy flow. I’m gratefully living this new life today and consider her to be one of my spiritual mothers.



One of my favorite mountains is Apu Yanantin, meaning “union of dissimilar energies.” I’ve never visited him up close, yet he reigns over Ollantaytambo, a village where I spend a lot of time, and I speak with him every day I’m there. He’s always teaching me about the many ways to look at, experience, and live Unity.


I love Peru.

I love the food. Ahhhhh, trucha (trout.) Papaya from the jungle. The thousands of varieties of potatoes and corn……………..That amazing garlic sauce…………Even the cuy (guinea pig) roasted in a wood oven.

I love the people and their spiritual and energetic unification. Everyone – taxi drivers, white-collar workers, restaurant owners, indigenous peoples – all speak from their hearts about the power and mystery of the land and how proud they are of their heritage. I love the textiles and folk art of exquisite beauty, artistry, creativity, and tradition. I love how healing and awakening are available at every moment, which is true everywhere, yet heightened there for me.

As long as Pachamama and the Apus call me, I will go.

Hermanas In PunoEating Trout in Puno


  1. This makes me so happy.

    • Good to know the energies are far reaching. Love.

  2. my dearest sacred friend,
    this is my FAVOURITE post ever! your tribute to the majesty and power of the apus of peru makes my heart full and puts me right back there deep within the energies myself. SO happy that you and salita had this journey together. thank you once again for being your beautiful self, opening to love, sharing your story and healing for all. i cannot wait to return to peru and have my sights on july! viva!!
    with so much love and gratitude..
    xoxo bolts

    • Thank you “Bolts.” I’m so grateful we share the fullness of the energies. Love and gratitude in return.

  3. Yes! Thank you for this and all you give to life. Love in each breath.

    • Yes! in return, LJ. And Love and Gratitude.

  4. Loving the energetic field you are bringing back !

    Much Gratitude

    • Loving that you feel it!!!!

  5. Annie,
    I visited you years ago with Chelsea while I was visiting her family in Oregon. I’ve followed your blog ever since. You are the only person I’ve met who is called by the mountains and listens to them the same way that I do. Growing up so many people thought I was crazy to fall in love with particular mountains and feel and talk with their spirits. Machu Pichu called to me when I was 18 and I visited that Spring. My relationship with mountains has only grown since then. Thank you for sharing about your mountain love and mountain heart!

    • Kelly, Thank you. Keep following your knowing! Who’s to say what “reality” is??? Everything is alive and is/has Spirit. Annie

  6. Wow! Thanks for the inspiring words and pictures. I also love Peru, thanks for showing me around. What an epic place and people. Much Love, Grace

    • Grace, Yes; Peru kind of gets under the skin….. I’m glad you joined me on the trip in April. Love.

  7. So much LIGHT!
    Yes, I am one who benefits from your journeys to Peru.
    Thank you for the journeys you take, work you do, power and joy you experience, on behalf of us all.
    Much love,

    • Paulita, Thank you so much. I so appreciate your friendship and support. Love.

  8. This site emanates light and the magic of the apus. Your work is having a huge impact…not just on those with the great good fortune to work directly with you, but on Pachamama and all of her inhabitants. I am so grateful for your trust, faith and eloquent teachings.
    Love always,

    • Thank you, Jean. Your feedback means the world to me. LOVE.

  9. Not having been to Peru yet, I can feel the breeze and smell the fresh air. Always wanted to go to India for a spiritual journey, but I don’t know, Peru’s nature from the pics seems spell bounding.

  10. I’m feeling the call of the mountains myself… came to the “webs” to look at pictures of some of the Apu’s and google led me here. Of course!!! I’m so glad your writing serves as a beacon and reminder of the power and depth and mystery those places hold.


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