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“A medicine man shouldn’t be a saint. He should experience and feel all the ups and downs, the despair and joy, the magic and the reality, the courage and the fear, of his people. He should be able to sink as low as a bug or soar as high as an eagle. Unless he can experience both, he is no good as a medicine man.”  John Fire Lame Deer

I have been a spiritual seeker ever since I was a young girl growing up in a household of secrets and separation.

Who are we? Why are we here? I needed to know.

I left home immediately after high school and was fortunate to work in early childhood education and mental health facilities. After the homebirth of my son in 1980, I apprenticed with local midwife Elizabeth Davis and spent the next twenty years attending homebirths and developing and teaching classes for families and childbirth professionals.

In 1992, while training staff at the Native American Health Center in Oakland, CA, I was invited to attend an Indigenous Healing Ceremony. I brought a friend, and less than twenty-four hours later, we received a palpable visitation from wise, loving spirits. These benevolent beings—my first healers and teachers from the unseen realms—changed the course of my life.

I became inspired to learn Shamanism, Channeling, Soul Retrieval, and Hands-on Healing and took introductory workshops from Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, and Barbara Brennan. My spirit teachers—the original ones and others—soon took over for my human teachers, and these relationships continue to bless both myself and my clients.

In 1996 I journeyed to Peru and participated in “The Hatun Karpay,” or “Great Initiation,” led by Andean Priest and Mystic Juan Nunez del Prado. This ancient, mystical movement out of the third level of consciousness—fear and separation—and into the fourth—Love and Unity—was the catalyst for three interconnected and life-changing Shamanic Initiations.

Some of my offerings and adventures over the years include serving as the visionary leader of Healing Quest for fifteen years, receiving the energy of ancient pyramids in Mexico, leading a high-altitude pilgrimage for the planet in Tibet, sitting on the mountaintop and inside the caves of the tallest mountain at Machu Picchu, traveling on horseback to a remote Q’ero village in Peru, and creating a three-month healing clinic in Hungary. Every Spiritual Journey to Teotihuacan, Mexico and to the mountains and Indigenous teachers in Peru has been life-enhancing.

In 2018 the Camp Fire devoured my town. Then came the worldwide pandemic. During those intensive life-altering years, my book, Unity Begins Within, was conceived, grew, and like a phoenix, arose from the ashes of my life.

I bring over forty years of experience to my work. Whether in the healing room or teaching one of my shamanically-based classes, I “midwife” every person to awaken from the pervasive virus of separation and experience Unity.

I walk upon the path of Faith and Trust and share my medicine through my open heart.

“I’ve known Annie since 1983 as a teacher, healer, and friend. When we were midwives together, I watched her work with energy in a way that was profound for laboring women; it was clear she had a gift. Annie has facilitated the biggest and most important realizations in my life. She has an incredible ability to hold a space and go into the deeper waters of soul work. Annie helped me free myself from some of the chains of childhood wounds and land in a place of truth and peace. When I’ve been in terrible pain, she has laid her hands on me, and the pain went away. Annie always inspires me to believe in boundless, compassionate love and know my own true nature and strength. Most importantly, she nurtures me to honor my soul and the Unity of spirit that sustains life.” Jan