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Annie Fuller

Soul Retrieval Healing Stories

A Quick Fix A situation within Hope’s family was causing her deep suffering, and she found herself in an emotionally chaotic state. Hope desperately wanted to be of service to her loved ones but was unable to get out of her own personal turmoil. Intention - I am centered, grounded and in my body. My teacher and power animal took me out into the cosmos to Hope, who was uncontrollably caught within a swirling vortex of energy. The energy felt unmanageable to me, and I told my teacher I didn’t...

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Soul Food

Sit or lie upon Pachamama, Mother Earth. Feel the beat of her heart, and let it permeate your soul. If the sun is shining, absorb the rays of light. If wind is whirling, receive the energy. If it’s raining, let the waters from the heavens cleanse you. Can you see the moon? Take in the luminosity. All answers, all healing can be found within Mother Nature. Notice the birds. Do you hear them singing? What are the crickets telling you? Breathe deeply. Explore. What do you notice? Allow Mother...

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A Blessingway Teaching

A number of my friends recently created a Blessingway ceremony for me for my 60th birthday. A Blessingway is a traditional Navajo ceremony. The name, Blessingway, is a basic translation from the Navajo language and encompasses everything that can be interpreted as good, including beauty, harmony, success and well-being. A Blessingway honors a life passage or helps to prepare for an upcoming event. It’s a spiritual and heart expansive ceremony which we’ve loosely borrowed, (thank you so much)...

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The Birth Guardian

This blog is dedicated to pregnant women and their partners, mothers and fathers, childbirth professionals and actually, to everyone who has ever been born. The Birth Guardian Each of us, as Spirit, has a Birth Guardian. These Beings of unconditional love, often called Guardian Angels, watch over, nurture and guide all unborn spirits. They’re our constant companions as we leave the spirit realm, travel through the Birth Gateway and incarnate into human form. Their energy is always female. Our...

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Endings and Beginnings

Dear Friends, A Pachacuti, as the Q'ero say, is upon us. A time of great change. All indigenous prophecies are optimistic about this time, for at its core, an old cycle is ending and a new one beginning. Death and rebirth are occurring both outside and inside of us - a true cosmic, shamanic rebirth. December 21 is the Winter Solstice, and every year the path of the Sun and the equator of the Milky Way galaxy align. This year the alignment will be on the plane of the entire galaxy, as the...

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Blessing From the Divine Mother

Today you need a Mother. This is why I have come. I have come to Mother you all. Imagine yourself resting in my arms….. Leaning back into my body, My arms around you, Holding you, caressing you. Loving you. Experience the safety of this. Experience my Love as you rest against me. Relaxed. My arms around you, My heart and soul beating only for you. You are safe. You are loved. You are cared for. All is taken care of. I am your Mother. I am taking care of you. There is nothing to do. There is...

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Teachings From the Questers

2012 Healing Quest – Teachings from the Questers Every year on the last day of Healing Quest, the entire community gathers in the tepee. Each person, whether they were a Mountain or Camp Quester, has the opportunity to sit in front of the Counsel of Elders. This is a time where Questers come to greater clarity regarding their experiences, as well as receive guidance, wisdom and suggestions from the Council. We conclude each meeting with a question - "As a result of your personal Healing Quest...

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This is from my Teacher, Ezekiel. His guidance has become essential for my personal life, as well as for all of us at Healing Quest. It is an excerpt. "The people are hungry. Hungry not for food – hungry for themselves. Many/most of them have reached an apex within their own human-beingness. An apex of energies from the past are in the present and are keeping each one from moving into a future that is healthy, happy and filled with joy. They are hungry for themselves; they are seeking...

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About a week after I returned from the “Journey of the Four Petaled Flower,” integration was in full bloom. I was exhausted. Not in my usual way of exhaustion—something different was happening. My emotions were overflowing. And my heart was wildly beating to a different drummer, so much so that my health-care goddesses sent me for an EKG. It was fine, and we decided I was in adrenal fatigue. Not radical, but as Susan said, “Your adrenals are unstable.” She likened it to the foundation of a...

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The Four-Petaled Flower

During our group journey, my partner Emily and I realized it was time to immerse ourselves in Teotihuacan without any of the preconceived ideas or names given to us by the Aztecs or archeologists.

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