This is a brief synopsis of a healing ceremony I experienced with an amazing woman whom I’ll call Beth. I’m sharing it with you because it’s a powerful example of the miracle of Soul Retrieval. Beth has a good life. A loving husband, children, grand children and long time friends. She owns her own business in her town and is well liked and respected. About 9 months ago, Beth lost her father. They were very close, and she loved him dearly. As the days and weeks went by after his death, Beth...
Annie Fuller
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What is Intuition? How does it work? Why do some of us seem to have more of it than others? Intuition is our Self, as Spirit/Consciousness, speaking to us, the Human Being. It is our Truth. We often experience this as a heart based knowing, although some feel it in their solar plexus. When we intuit something, our inner ears are open to our Spirit, Soul and Heart. Intuition is always present, yet do we pay attention to it? Are we taking the time to listen to our Selves? And once we’ve heard,...
A Few Words of Gratitude
THANK YOU everyone who not only reads this blog, but comments on what I write.
Spiritual Dilemma
Spiritual Dilemma is a real experience and rarely occurs without soul loss.