One thing I find amazing about Spiritual Healing is that the ceremony begins the instant we set a date.
Annie Fuller
Podcast Links
Learn about my book—Unity Begins Within—in this interview.
Podcast this Wednesday at Noon (PST)
Annie Fuller’s spiritual teachings come from a lifetime of experience, both as the healer and the healed.
An Interview About Unity Begins Within
I wanted readers to have a container, a safe place from which they could explore. Since I always work within a ceremonial space, I opened a ceremony with them at the very beginning of the book.
A Holiday Gift
The Light of Love is All.
It’s Guadalupe’s Birthday!
“I am your Mother. In the truest sense, in the deepest form and way. I have come to care for you, as only a true Mother can.”
Radio Show
Join me on Wednesday, 12/7/2002, at 1pm.
Off To Mexico
Friends, If you reading this on Monday, the 30th, I'll be chilling in the historic district of Mexico City. On Tuesday I'll visit Guadalupe at the Basilica, and on Wednesday, go to Teotihuacan. I'll return to Guadalupe over the weekend, and then fly home on Monday, the 7th. It's a Pilgrimage to the core of Unity Begins Within. To Guadalupe and the Four-Petaled Flower. I'll light a candle for you at the Basilica. And send you energy from the Four-Petaled portal. Will you be visiting them...
My Book is Born!
Welcome to the World "Book Baby!" Unity Begins Within: Spiritual Healing Meets the Four-Petaled Flower I'm so glad you're here. After growing you for forty years, it was a pleasure (and a little scary, I have to admit) to push you out. Now you're off—having your own life experiences—and your proud mama no longer has control over where you go and who you choose to visit. She's also not pregnant — (although the postpartum of a forty year gestation is its own experience...) Friends, I invite you...
The Two-footed Walk
"Healers can’t only focus on helping others; we must attend to our own healing as well. I call this 'the two-footed walk.' I see one foot as my healer foot, and the other as my personal foot." - Unity Begins Within: Spiritual Healing Meets the Four-Petaled Flower Healers serve people who are physically, emotionally and/or energetically suffering. We listen to their truth. Witness their pain. Hold a...