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The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go

I traveled in Peru for 10 weeks this summer with my dear friend, Salita. We were based in the Sacred Valley and spent time in many places including Machu Picchu, Cusco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, and the Q’ero village of Charkapata. If you read my last blog, Big Love and Health, you already know a...

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Big Love and Health

I'm off to Peru for ten weeks on July 1. How lucky can I get? This trip was conceived in January by myself and my friend, Salita. Over the course of the months between then and now, I've had various thoughts about going and have actually re-chosen it a few times. I've even been to Peru and back...

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The Magic of Life

We open a ceremony in front of the Pachamama stone, and I give them blessings for their journeys. They're ready to leave. I stand at the gateway of the caves and Huaynu Picchu (the tallest mountain at Machu Picchu) and watch them hike away on the old, Inka path. The rain is gently coming down, and...

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New Life

I’ve been in Gold Beach, Oregon for the past ten days. My friends have a condo and offered it to me for a writing retreat. I love it here. The kitchen table sits opposite a long, rectangular expanse of window. At the center is a sliding glass door that opens on to a deck. And beyond the deck,...

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Happy New Year – 2015

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain Dear Friends, I wish you a wondrous New Year,...

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A Prayer from Annie and Fullcircle

This came through me a number of years ago. I was teaching a Spiritual Healing Class at the time and opened up to the highest guidance of the Light to receive a teaching for the class. This is that teaching. It was so profound at the time that after it was complete, we listened to it again on the...

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I’m discovering my creative flow. As a result of all that led up to and culminated in the powerful shamanic rebirth experience I had at Healing Quest this past summer, I’m out of my way and into writing. My book, that is. One of several trying to come through me for too many years. So many starts...

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Shamanic Rebirth

“Not until a person dissolves can he or she know what union is. There is a descent into emptiness. A lie will not change to Truth with just talking about it.” Rumi   Shamanic Rebirth is a template for healing and awakening. It offers an opportunity to participate in conscious death and...

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Become an Initiated Chunpi Paqo

The Sacred Khuya Ceremony   The Khuya Ceremony takes place within the soul, or energy bubble as the Q’ero call it. This is the field of living energy surrounding our physical bodies that expands, contracts, and defines our personal space (or lack of.) Khuya stones are used to open, cleanse,...

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Teachings From the Questers – 2014

Healing Quest 2014 Teachings can only truly be obtained via direct experience, the shamanic way. THANK YOU to our devoted, powerful, willing and humble Questers.           Only you can rescue yourself.          If you can switch your perspective, it can change everything. Be in the new life in the...

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Dear Friends, I’ve been back for about 3 1/2 weeks now and am still unable to put any words on paper to begin sharing my stories. The trip exceeded both my planning and imagination, the two-week group part, as well as the one-week afterward in Cusco with some of the group. Peru changed me....

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Honoring My Teacher


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