The Light of Love is All is a prayer that was given to a healing class through me in 2000. It was a gift from Mother Mary.
A Dilemma
Accept that Unity exists beyond the devastating duality we are witnessing and feel powerless to stop. Feed my heart so my unique beacon of light can illuminate the Path of Faith and Trust.
Spiritual Travel to Peru 2024!
Are you seeking transformation? Join us in Peru, where we immerse ourselves in the living energies of Pachamama (Mother Earth), Apus (spirits of the mountains), and ancient ruins.
Happy Birthday Book-Baby!
Today, October 9, 2023, my Book-Baby turns 1 year old!
Safety. Connection. Love.
At the beginning of every Healing Ceremony, I help clients create an intention. To name a state of being they want to live right now.
Healing Seeds
I blew the Seed of Forgiveness into Gayle’s heart/soul space.
Soul Retrieval
Soul Retrieval is an ancient, cross-cultural shamanic tradition. It is a ceremony where lost parts of the soul are found, offered healing, and restored to the soul. Soul Retrieval enhances traditional therapy and even saves lives.
A Spiritual Healing Ceremony
One thing I find amazing about Spiritual Healing is that the ceremony begins the instant we set a date.
Podcast Links
Learn about my book—Unity Begins Within—in this interview.
Podcast this Wednesday at Noon (PST)
Annie Fuller’s spiritual teachings come from a lifetime of experience, both as the healer and the healed.
An Interview About Unity Begins Within
I wanted readers to have a container, a safe place from which they could explore. Since I always work within a ceremonial space, I opened a ceremony with them at the very beginning of the book.
A Holiday Gift
The Light of Love is All.