The Beginning One thing I find amazing about Spiritual Healing is that the ceremony begins the instant we set a date. Somehow, a solid commitment frees and moves energy. I tell clients, “Don’t be surprised if your issue is exacerbated.” When something is about to change, it can hold on with a mighty grip. What to Bring Nothing is necessary. Anything you’d like to place on the altar is appropriate. Who to Bring Shamanism, an aspect of my Spiritual Healing practice, is about community. In the...
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Soul Retrieval Integration
Your joyful, innocent 5-year-old self was discovered in a realm of wonder, safely skipping upon rocks in a bubbling stream and singing to the deer, squirrels, and raccoons. She was afraid to return until assured her daddy was no longer alive. Were you surprised that one of your soul parts was found screaming in terror on the side of the road where the car accident occurred 20 years ago? As a 40-year-old devoted mother and wife living a privileged lifestyle, you had been feeling an unexplained...
Healing Quest: Perspective from the Intercessor
We are in the wake of the magnificent worldwide Women's Marches. How amazing it was witnessing people all around the globe coming together as One. What a powerful example of Unity! Spiritual Healing promotes Unity in the microcosmic sense, one person at a time. A personal, inner experience, since we are One Human Being and Soul, individual unifications enhance All - the macrocosm of Unity. When every One does their personal part, Everyone is served. Each year I send out a post about Healing...
The Story of My Logo
The White Bird I was receiving a traditional spiritual reading from a shaman visiting from the jungles of Peru. We sat on the floor with an altar of bones, feathers, stones, and foreign objects between us. As he stared at the placement of each item I wondered, “What is he seeing?” All of a sudden he looked up, and with eyes clearly connected to another realm said, “Bring an offering of red flowers for Pachamama." And then, “You will see a white bird.” This was in 2006. During that time of...
To the Healers
A successful healer experiences and lives infinite teachings of Love. Love of self, love of one’s god - whatever that might be - and love of others. And our task, above all else, is to expand our client’s capabilities for love. To help them open their hearts to themselves so they can experience how beautiful and special they are. How can we accomplish this? By asking others to help facilitate this very knowing within us. By being open and vulnerable, and allowing another to midwife us into our...
Honoring My Healing Class Students
We recently completed the Spiritual Healing and the Human Soul Class, and I wish to honor my students. These women are exceptional people who are willing to go beyond self perceived limitations and boundaries and walk what I call a “two footed walk.” I believe much of the power of a spiritual healer comes from our commitment and willingness to do this. Imagine that one foot is your personal foot and the other, your healer foot. Focusing on the personal foot involves confronting our wounds and...
The Four Petaled Flower Revisited
Before I became re-infatuated with Peru, my dear friend, Emily and I co-led spiritual travel groups to the powerful ruins of Teotihuacan, Mexico. One trip was called "The Journey of the Four Petaled Flower.” I wrote a blog about it in 2012. It's timely and important for us to revisit the four petaled flower, so I decided to edit a bit and post for the New Year. The City of Teotihuacan was built over two thousand years ago. Around 800 A.D. the Teotihuacanos vacated it, although no one really...
Teachings From a Distant Healing
A woman asked me to do a distant healing for her son, a young man I’m going to call Bob. She said he’s not the type of person who believes in my work and asked if I could do a healing anyway. I checked in with Bob’s higher self and got the ok. At every Healing Ceremony, I spend a good amount of time helping a client come to a core intention. What is the state of being they wish they were in? For example, a person who is depressed might want to feel joy. I’ve learned that intention is magnetic....
Communicating with the Spirit of Your Unborn Baby
When a woman becomes pregnant, transformational energy from the Source of Life creates a path for a spirit to enter her body and grow into a human being. This spirit is alive, conscious, and incarnates with purpose and intention. From the moment of conception and even before, it is able and willing to communicate. Many of us know a growing fetus can hear sounds and words, but only a few realize it might have something to say. Communication is possible both ways, from mother to child and child...
The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go
I traveled in Peru for 10 weeks this summer with my dear friend, Salita. We were based in the Sacred Valley and spent time in many places including Machu Picchu, Cusco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, and the Q’ero village of Charkapata. If you read my last blog, Big Love and Health, you already know a little bit about the trip. For the most part, I stayed very healthy. I never had a problem with altitude (we have the best homeopathic remedies for this!) and high-potency garlic supplements took care of...