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The Year of Orange Wholeness
I like to name things. My car is Mama Cocha, Mother Ocean in Quechua; my house/property is Gratitude Sanctuary. I’ve been known to name days, clothing, events, trips…... My special recording pen is Penita. My most recent naming is a chair I bought just before my birthday. A dear friend, Winona was visiting, and we went on an outing to a local second hand store. Just the week before I had told a class, “I’m sick of this chair (an old rocker I was sitting on;) I want something cozy.” We walked...
Getting Older
How did a year go by so quickly? I just turned 60 last April, and now I’m turning 61! 60 has been an amazing, turning point age for me. I remember this time last year so clearly. I was preparing for my Blessingway, a ceremony I asked my friend, Jean to create for me. I somehow knew that becoming 60 would be significant and didn’t want to wait until my 65th birthday (what Jean and I had originally planned) to receive and participate in this ceremony. I was correct; this has been an...
There is an energy of dismemberment occurring on the planet. Structures are toppling. Foundations are crumbling. We see this within individuals, families, communities, states and countries.
My Reunion with Putu Cusi
We arrived in Aguas Calientes, the town in the mountains where everyone stays when they go to Machu Picchu, got settled into our hotel and then walked down the railroad tracks directly to Putu Cusi. I felt as if a force was pulling me to her. At the base of the mountain, I made a connection and opened my qosqo, my spiritual stomach, so I’d be able to freely receive her energy. It was thrilling to walk up the old Incan steps; I was directly upon Putu Cusi for the first time ever!...
Returning to Putu Cusi
I’m getting ready to go to back to Peru. (Maybe I’ll already be there by the time you read this.) After nine years, I’m finally returning to Putu Cusi. My first trip to Peru was in 1996. I felt called to go, but didn’t know why until I watched a slide show and saw the Andes Mountains. I felt them in my body, and that night I joined a group that would be participating in the Hatun Karpay, or Great Initiation, with Andean priest and mystic, Juan Nunez del Prado. It was a ten-day initiation and...
Healing Quest 2013
We just completed our 13th annual Healing Quest. Our theme, as always, is Unity and our mission: Healing and Awakening the Human Soul. This is a personal task, as well as a planetary one and begins with each individual Quester. This summer we had twelve courageous Healing Questers 100% willing to delve deeply into their own unique soulscapes and shed any heavy energy that was keeping them bound. Bound in what? Dysfunctional lives affecting their happiness, health and freedom. These are the...
Being and Dancing ALLOW
The collective Human Soul is fracturing and cracking. And there isn’t just one crack; there are many fragmented cracks dispersed within its entire Beingness. Are you feeling this within your own individuated Soul? How are you dealing with it? Earth is being infused with transformational energies right now, energies that are a vital part of what’s necessary for this new era and shift. Their purpose is to free the collective Human Soul (which is made up of each of our individuated, unique souls)...
Soul Retrieval Healing Stories
A Quick Fix A situation within Hope’s family was causing her deep suffering, and she found herself in an emotionally chaotic state. Hope desperately wanted to be of service to her loved ones but was unable to get out of her own personal turmoil. Intention - I am centered, grounded and in my body. My teacher and power animal took me out into the cosmos to Hope, who was uncontrollably caught within a swirling vortex of energy. The energy felt unmanageable to me, and I told my teacher I didn’t...
Soul Food
Sit or lie upon Pachamama, Mother Earth. Feel the beat of her heart, and let it permeate your soul. If the sun is shining, absorb the rays of light. If wind is whirling, receive the energy. If it’s raining, let the waters from the heavens cleanse you. Can you see the moon? Take in the luminosity. All answers, all healing can be found within Mother Nature. Notice the birds. Do you hear them singing? What are the crickets telling you? Breathe deeply. Explore. What do you notice? Allow Mother...