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Shamanic Soul Retrieval Workshop

All Human Beings Experience Trauma.

When it occurs, parts of our soul detach and dissociate.

We survive in the short term, yet over time might find ourselves experiencing:



Feelings of emptiness


Chronic illness

Post-traumatic stress

Adrenal fatigue


and other symptoms of Internal Disunity.


Have you ever heard someone say, “I’ve never felt the same since…”


Dissociated soul-parts are alive and experiencing the trauma as if it were occurring in the present moment.

Since we are our soul-parts, beng in the NOW becomes difficult because we are living events that happened long ago.


Shamanic Soul Retrieval is an ancient ceremony and healing modality where,

through conscious intent,

lost soul-parts are found, offered healing, and reunited within the soul.

Where they belong. 


This experiential workshop includes:

Creating and working within Ceremony

The spirit/soul/human relationship  

Understanding soul loss  

Relationships with helping spirits  

Safe soul retrieval techniques

Performing and receiving soul retrievals

Post-soul retrieval suggestions


Shamanic journeying experience is necessary.

Help Restore Unity to the Individual and Collective Human Soul.