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Spiritual Healing: The Time is NOW

Why do  people schedule a Healing as a last resort?

When they’ve played out the western model of medicine and been told, “There’s nothing more we can do for you?” Why do so many feel unhelped by their doctors, yet don’t explore further?  “Spiritual healing is too weird.” Why are psychotropic medications for depression and anxiety not working for many, yet they’re unwilling to explore other options?

I’m always amazed by the strength of our cultural conditioning.

I’ve experienced it personally various times in my life, so I have an understanding, but when the options are death or death, suffering or suffering, I get confused. I believe one of the biggest fears around is ego death. To step out of the paradigm of Life we’ve bought into and explore a new one can be scary. Who are we then? It’s safer to remain in the known.

Healing doesn’t always mean living.

I’ve seen people who were supposed to die, live. And people who were supposed to die, die healed. And one’s whose illness’ were retreating stop their sessions because they didn’t want to deal with who they might be without them.

We’re finding ourselves in a rapidly changing world.

With awakening and personal change in the forefront, we need more Spiritual Healers. Ones unafraid to learn and grow. Break free of their personal paradigms. Provide safe space for another. Men and women willing to be role models and Spiritual Healers during these present and upcoming times.

Come to class in January 2020. It will be my honor and pleasure to teach you what I’ve learned over the course of almost forty years. Click on the link below to learn more.

Spiritual Healing Class 2020

Journey into the Expansive Mystical with Apu and Me.


  1. Joyce Ward

    I am so glad to see that you are still teaching, Ann. The time I spent in your classes and retreats was rich and life-affirming. I am grateful for those times together. Love and blessings to you,

    • Annie Fuller

      Thank you, Joyce. Yes, those were wonderful times in Ashland. Whoever might be reading this – Joyce was at the very first Healing Quest back in 2001. Those were the days……….. Love, Annie

  2. Michon

    Any one sitting on the fence wondering if these classes are the “right” ones? Jump in!! Indeed this planet and the people upon her need YOU! Show up! These ARE what you’ve been looking for and sooooo much more! 2020 Clear vision! Bring the invisible to Light!

    I love you Annie. My life would not be nearly as profound an experience with out you.

    • Annie Fuller

      Thank you Michon! Whoever might be reading this – Michon was in my very first Spiritual Healing class back in 1995. A wonder in her own right. Love, Annie


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