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What is Intuition? How does it work? Why do some of us seem to have more of it than others?

Intuition is our Self, as Spirit/Consciousness, speaking to us, the Human Being. It is our Truth. We often experience this as a heart based knowing, although some feel it in their solar plexus. When we intuit something, our inner ears are open to our Spirit, Soul and Heart.

Intuition is always present, yet do we pay attention to it? Are we taking the time to listen to our Selves? And once we’ve heard, do we respond? Noticing and listening are only parts of Intuition; taking action regarding what we know is living Intuition at its fullest.

Like everything else, Intuition is energy. Have you ever heard, felt, sensed or known something and then chosen to ignore it? How did that make you feel? Were you left with an ache in your heart or gut? Energy likes movement and circulation. When we dis-acknowledge our Selves, the energy becomes stuck. The more we do this, energy accumulates and eventually manifests within our physical bodies. Illnesses such as heart attack, hypertension, autoimmune diseases and digestive disorders are oftentimes the results of a lifetime of ignored Intuition.

We’ve all been confused at times and thought, “I’m not sure what I’m feeling. Is this my Intuition or my mind?”

When you find yourself in that situation, stop. Take a breath. Then focus your attention on your mind, and breathe the energy of your mind down, to the center of your chest – your Heart/Soul space. Feed your Soul, Heart and Light with the energy of your overactive mind. Then ask yourself – what do I want to know? The energy that had been bound up within your mind will now be filling your Soul. Look there, and you’ll find the answers you were seeking.

Intuition is the call of the Spirit, Soul and Heart. The mind is a tool of the Human. I was once told, “The Soul is the conductor of the Human life, and the mind is an instrument of the Soul.”

If you ever think your Intuition is blocked, look within. Do you feel safe? Are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you feel caught within societal or cultural constraints? Intuition cannot be blocked by anyone or anything outside of the Self. The freer we are within, the more powerful and potent our Intuition is.

We can always use the tool of intention to unblock or enhance our Intuition. Intend to live from the knowing of your Soul. Intend to live in the awareness of your true identity, Spirit in Human form. Intend to remember that we’re all One, connected to everything and everyone. If you have these intentions for life, your Intuition will flourish. Yet remember – it’s not just in the knowing, it’s in the trusting of the knowing and then taking the appropriate action. We always have a choice whether or not to listen and act.

Here’s an exercise:
Place your hands upon your center, your Heart/Soul space. See, feel and sense the Light of Love; it’s like the flame of a candle. Inhale to the Light, and exhale as you breathe it down your arms and out your hands. Ask for all energies that might be keeping you from fully realizing and living your Intuition to release. Feed your Light with your breath.

Intuition is the way our Self as Spirit, expresses to us, the Human, the knowings of our Soul. Everyone has the capacity to live this relationship.


  1. Alaya Mudita

    Would love to know responses as to how they feel when/if their partner wants to challenge their guidance of their intuition as to it’s interpretation and how accurate it may or may not be in any given decision. How open are we to having our intuition challenged or rather do we want it untested and honored….. or is there some space in the middle for our partners?
    Thank you and much love from my Heart to your Heart…..

    • Annie Fuller

      Ahh, our partners. I guess we can each hope to be in a relationship where our partners trust us and our knowings. And when there’s a difference in our knowings and theirs, communication and respect are the keys. All we can do is be true to ourselves and communicate as clearly as possible.
      Thank you so much for your thoughts.

  2. winona holl

    thank you annie for your timely message, as always… just what i needed to hear. i feel so supported from so far away. you are lovely and missed. thanks for sharing. love you, -w

  3. Sheila

    Thank you Annie, just what I’ve been needing to hear and have affirmed these past few weeks…also, does fear block intuition? Is it just my mind that is fearful, or should I be listening to the fear because it’s a warning? I’m never sure if I can trust that it’s my intuition if it comes from fear. Any thoughts?

    • Annie Fuller

      It’s so hard to tell sometimes. I just had that experience the other day. I was fearful about something and not sure if the answer to a question I had asked myself was my intuition or the truth. So I breathed a few breaths to my heart, centered there and then asked the question again. The answer became clear, and it was different than what I first had thought. It felt different also. I think the key is how it feels.

  4. Jani

    Annie, this is such an important teaching–for so long I couldn’t hear or feel intuition for all the gobbeldy voices in my head…love that you included the all-important step of ‘action’ when intuition comes.
    It is really leading my life now, and I ask for it to be clear.
    Thank you….Blessings, Jani


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