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A Blessingway Teaching

A number of my friends recently created a Blessingway ceremony for me for my 60th birthday.

A Blessingway is a traditional Navajo ceremony. The name, Blessingway, is a basic translation from the Navajo language and encompasses everything that can be interpreted as good, including beauty, harmony, success and well-being. A Blessingway honors a life passage or helps to prepare for an upcoming event. It’s a spiritual and heart expansive ceremony which we’ve loosely borrowed, (thank you so much) where the guest(s) of honor are cherished and blessed.

Over the years I’ve created and held the space for many Blessingway ceremonies – couples getting married or having their first child, pregnant women, young women graduating from high school and women becoming Elders. Each ceremony is inspired by the unique event and fed by the love of friends and family.

When my dear friend, Jean was about to turn 65, I told her I wanted to have a Blessingway for her, which she willingly accepted. I asked her if she would create one for me when I turned 65. I think this age is very significant for women; we become Elders, and it’s important for us to be received as such by our community, as well as claim it for ourselves.

In my recent 59th year I experienced much healing, awakening and growth. I felt I had turned an important corner in my life and realized I wanted a Blessingway for my 60th birthday. Originally I thought I’d wait until 65, yet I knew something needed to happen now. Jean lovingly agreed to organize it and hold the space. It would be my first Blessingway.

I arrived in Weed, California, just outside of Mount Shasta, on Friday, the day before the Blessingway. Jean was excited, and I could tell there were many surprises ahead. Late Saturday morning we went for a walk up the road along Eddy Creek; it was a beautiful way to begin the day. When we got back to the house, I noticed a car that hadn’t been there when we left. I thought it was Susan’s rental; she had come all the way from Arizona and was early. I got to the front door and immediately realized I was wrong. That’s when it all began.

Sally, looking radiant in a beautiful, long Mexican dress, opened the door for me. She was rattling. She captured my eyes with hers and never let them go, deeply committed to her role as Guardian. I looked down for a moment and saw the floor was strewn with rose petals. Sally led me upon the petals into the bathroom where the tub was full of more rose petals, and the luscious aroma of lavender essential oil filled the room.

There was no, “Hi Annie, how are you?” No words at all as Sally, rattling non-stop, embraced me with her heart and helped me into the tub. I was completely caught off guard, and the energy of the rattle permeated my soul. The Blessingway had begun.

Warm water, delicious smells, rose petals floating freely in the tub…. the rattle continued. Sally stayed with me for a while, and then left to prepare for her next gift. (Yes, there was more.)

I lay in the water and breathed deeply; I think I was in a little bit of shock. I certainly was up against myself. How could I possibly receive this? All this love? And it was just the very beginning of the day! The rest of the women hadn’t even arrived at the yurt to set up for whatever they had planned. How could I receive all this love? How is it that people love me so much?

Moved to tears, I told myself out loud, “I can do this. I can do this. I can receive the love.” I felt the presence of Guadalupe, my spiritual mother, as I consciously opened my heart with intention and breath. I breathed in from the back of my heart, the place of receptivity, and followed my breath through the center of my Being, as it moved to, through and out the front of my heart. I followed my breath from the front of my heart as it moved back in, through my center and returned and moved out the back of my heart. Again and again. In from the back, out through the front, and in from the front, out through the back. With this figure 8 breath I was able to open my whole heart to receive. And then spontaneously, I was given this exquisite teaching.

“It is only in the receiving of love that one can truly give love.”

Oftentimes we’re moved by people who have big hearts, who seem to give love so easily. Yet are these very same people able to receive the love we offer them? Sometimes the front of the heart center is open and flowing, but the rear is not. This disables the energies from moving in their complete natural flow. When we breathe in a figure 8 breath, energy moves through the center of our Being and connects both aspects of our heart. This is a full cycle of breath. The Inhalation and Exhalation as One Breath through Our Center.

“It is only in the receiving of love that one can truly give love.” Ahhh, the full cycle of breath must occur.

I stayed in the bathtub opening my whole heart. “Yes, I can do this. I can receive all the love that’s offered to me.” How beautiful to know that receiving love allows me to feel deeply and offer even more love.

My Blessingway was extraordinary. I received an abundance of love, honor, respect and gifts to last a lifetime. All that day and into the night. I’ll never forget what my beautiful sisters created and gave to me out of the depths of their hearts. How they loved. And I took it all in, with grace, they told me. And they as well, received the love that was offered to them; I saw it in their faces. For with each inhalation of receptivity, my exhalations of loving became richer.

This is for you – Jean, Sally, Michael, Laura, Linda Jean, Sarah, Bakur, Susan, Deb, Elizabeth, Nikki, Chelsea, Tammy, Paula, Lori, Mary and Guadalupe.
Thank you for teaching me about Love.




  1. I feel the depth of this ceremony expanding. The privilege, standing at the gate of Free Crone, is a treasure. Thank you for this most extraordinary experience.
    Soar !

    • Yes. She came to us, and now we have a responsibility to Live Her. I’m so grateful you were there. Soaring more and more each day. Love.

    • You’re so welcome, Donna.

  2. Thank you for sharing this experience and the beautiful images of you at the blessing way. In reading your words, Annie, I felt and appreciated the lesson. I honor you from here. Also, I still look forward to sharing space and ritual with you again in the future.
    Blessed be!

    • Yes. I’d love it if you came around again, Phoebe. Your gifts and medicine are always welcome.

  3. hey lovely annie. i am so happy that you received the ceremony and celebration that you so deserve, i know everyone was honoured to be part of that day for you. and thank you for sharing this teaching i feel like it was just for me… alas, more dissolving of the wood to be done. love you love you love you blessed woman, friend, mother, teacher! -w

    • And you know I love you. The wood melts with every breath.

  4. What a wonderful blessingway for a truly magnificent woman. The lessons of love you share are a blessing. I am so happy that you received the love so freely and were honored with such fondness. May your blessings continue. I will remember the lesson of the 8. Thank you dear one.

    • Thank you Karen. Yes, the lesson of the 8; I like that name for it.

  5. You have been blessed and reborn as an elder. You had mid-wives to deliver you. We all have a new elder to consult. I started my day with drumming and feel Hozho.

    • Thank you Kevin, for witnessing, as well as teaching me a new word. Hozho – the Navajo concept of balance and beauty, a state of order.

  6. the picture of you under the archway speaks volumes, it is breathtakingly gorgeous and i feel the spirit of Guadalupe radiate out from it and you. thank you for walking across that thresh hold. thank you for learning more about love. thank you for receiving, for opening so deeply and fully. thanks to all the ladies who gathered to celebrate you. Annie, sparkling gem of a human being, i adore you!

    • Elizabeth, I’m breathing deeply and taking in your words and love. Thank you! Bakur took the picture. It was at the very end of an endless day.

  7. Annie, my illustrious one. You,who delivered my two boys in that small trailer in San Pablo, you whose teaching about the birth guardians guided me into birthing my third and fourth, you who I have not seen for 20 or so years yet with whom I have reconnected through the powers that be. I love and celebrate you. I look forward to a time of union.


    • I’m amazed to hear from you and so grateful to read your words. I’m going to connect with you via direct email. Yes, a time of union would be wonderful.

  8. Annie, what a wonderful gift and blessing. Happy Birthday, you look so beautiful. I loved the teaching of “It is only in the receiving of love that one can truly give love”. Thank you for sharing.
    Namaste, Norma

    • You’re so welcome, Norma. Yes; the teaching is simple yet so profound.

  9. Wow Annie what a beautiful way to celebrate an auspicious time, and what a wonderful gift from your friends. Thanks for sharing about it with all of us. You so deserve all that love and more. Birthday blessings.

    • Thank you so much Kathy.

  10. Such an honor to hear of The Blessing Way of The Beloved Annie…..

    A New Womyn has be Birthed……………….
    A fresh new pool of The Divine has been poured from the Heavens
    So we all may dip into and taste of the sweetness of Life.
    An Elder has been crafted by the winds of Time Eternal
    The breath of the Divine has been fully blown into the vessel we call Annie
    HoH to all who have crafted this fine vessel to receive the gifts of
    who she truly is…..LOVE ITSELF.

    With a great full heart

    • You’re beautiful, Kiah. Thank you for your creative and open-hearted words that reflect YOU and everyone.

  11. Dearest Annie,
    You were glowing that day. It was such an honor to participate in your emergence to “cronedom”. Welcome to the club!

    • I love the club of the Free Crones!

  12. Annie,

    You are shining with your beauty as a young full hearted crone and then as the full wise shaman woman crone in these photos and in life. Thank you all for this beautiful offering now in our universal energy field. Your shared teaching of heart breathing helped me the day I recieved it. Got my red boots on, love you, love you all, Gena

    • Thank you!!!!! I’m loving you back while wearing my turquoise cowgirl boots!

  13. bendiciones para ti …mujer guerrera …mujer guia …. mucho amor …y felicidades….from Puerto Escondido Oax. Mexico

    • Muchas gracias Isabel, mi amiga de Puerto Escondido.

  14. That was such a beautiful day, such an amazing celebration. You were radiant. You are radiant. Thank you for showing the way of breathing…of receiving…of giving…while walking one’s path in love and gratitude. I love you beyond words. -Deb

    • Deb,
      All I can do is smile………..

  15. Thank you for sharing this, the event’s beauty shines through even the digital realm. I feel how much your sisters cherish you. Thank you for the figure eight breathing tip…receiving, giving…forever!


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