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Spiritual Healing for Children

Children Respond Well to Spiritual Healing.


If your son or daughter needs a healing and is too young to come, no problem! Their Healing Ceremony can be done at a distance – or – by surrogacy. This means you, the parent, participate in person, and your child’s healing unfolds through your open soul.

This is What Healing via Surrogacy Might Look Like: 

First, we’ll open a ceremony. Within that energetic container, you’ll share thoughts and concerns about your child. Then I’ll expand further and receive insights about them from my Teacher or your child’s personal guide. This becomes a question and answer experience for you.

When that part is complete, we’ll have more information about the next phase. That’s where you, as proxy or representative, lie upon my healing table. You are both yourself and your child. I’ll place my hands upon your feet, and the Light will flow through me into you and purify both of your souls. If a soul retrieval is necessary for your child, it will happen through you, and healed parts will be restored directly to them. Parts of your soul might even be recovered. 

When the Healing Ceremony is complete, I’ll share all the information I received. I’ll answer any questions and offer post-healing suggestions. Then we’ll close the ceremony.

Here is an Example of a Surrogate  Healing for a Six Year Old. Names are Changed and the Story Abridged.

Mother, “Louisa was born overly emotionally attached to me. Even as an infant I had to tell her before a change was going to occur, which even included handing her to her dad or grandma. Unless I prepared her first, she cried. 

For the next six years, we made sure she had time to adjust to new situations. She went through several intense anxiety type issues…fear of water touching her face (made hair washing hard), fear of getting her head stuck in her shirt (had to buy button up shirts for a year), and fear of being anywhere without me (separation anxiety).

The only way we were able to get her into school was because a progressive principal and patient teacher allowed me to remain in the classroom until Louisa was ready for me to leave. 

Two years later on first day of first grade, she had a new teacher and principal. Neither was supportive of Louisa’s needs. Their suggestion was for me to leave while she was upset. I tried, but almost immediately, Louisa began backsliding on all the progress we’d made the previous two years. She spent a good portion of every morning asking to be homeschooled.

During that time I went to see Annie. I wanted Louisa to feel safe in the world.”

Channeling (condensed)

My Teacher, “Our young Louisa is not young at all. She came from a star system many light years away from any human known systems. It occupies an energetic area of cosmic specialization and conscious awareness. Anyone who incarnates from there has a naturally heightened and refined soul. This is both a blessing and challenge. Our Louisa must grow into her energetic framework. Only then will she become comfortable being Human and living in relationship with the density, chaos, suffering, and oftentimes insanity of Earth.

Our dear Louisa sees and feels more than she is able to articulate. She travels in the night and receives enhancements to her energetic state. It might be one of the reasons why it is difficult to awaken her, and when she does awaken, she can be disorientated.”

”Mother, “Why is she here?”

“Your daughter is here to enhance the consciousness of all Human Beings. She is a Light Being who illuminates the Light in others and sparks them into more heightened states and remembrance of Unity. She brings with her a glistening Light needed upon Earth at this time. You can see this through her eyes.

She is a healer, one who is now sharing Light and Love through her Beingness. In the future she will use her hands, awareness, and inherent interconnection with the most refined energies. You will notice this as she evolves and grows. Her path and choices will always involve people and animals. She might only focus on animals for a while. Or people. Then both together as she explores the harmonization of the two.”

Mother, “What can we do to support her?’

“She is hungry for ceremony. Help her make a mesa (medicine bundle). Give her an instrument – a drum, for example. Create ceremonies so she can call to her spirit guides. Incorporating ceremony into her life will give Louisa ways to ground her expansions and solidify connections with guides and teachers. There are no words in the English language to illustrate the comparison between the density of Earth with the refined energies of her home planet.

Bring Mother Earth into every ceremony as a central force offering safety and security. She must know she is a part of Earth and always has Earth as her second mother. This will help Louisa develop ways of being the world, especially when her Human Mother is not with her. She will know she has Mother Earth. This is a relationship that will be important her entire life.”

Mother, “Where did the fear of alone begin?”

“The experience of the coarse Earthly realm and Human factor was more than Louisa’s Spirit overview had prepared for. A separation occurred during your labor.  Contractions forced her to enter her small body and accept what she had chosen. She was not ready and needed more integration time. As Spirit, she had seen this before, yet it is different when one is in the actual experience.

She was removed from her safe haven by hands she knew not. An emotional survival switch turned on  it is not safe here. I have no control. She has been living out of those newborn beliefs her entire life.  When she feels an innate safety around certain people, places, and things, the switch releases. She knows she is in Unity. Yet the switch is easily triggered, and once on, her behavior becomes dualistic. She feels separate and afraid.

Louisa  knew she needed to learn about duality in this lifetime. Incarnating on Earth was her choice and way to learn. Unfortunately, it is detracting from her life. The switch has gained too much power. She is forgetting some of her Spirit decisions and melding more into the consciousness of the Earthly realm. Which of course happens to all, not just her, yet it is creating a disharmony.”

The Intention of the Healing is Safety

Me, “The Light flowed through my hands and purified the landscape of both souls. This cleared the way, and my teacher and power animal took me on a journey on Louisa’s behalf. We traveled to another realm where I found myself in front of a cave. I peaked inside. There was Louisa in her early twenty’s, a soul part from the future. There were also many younger soul parts of various ages, all dissociated as a result of fear and lack of control. Adult Louisa was serving as Mother to everyone.

She was a fierce protector. Convinced it wasn’t safe, Louisa wouldn’t vacate the cave or release any of the other parts to me. Everyone was in a big NO! when I invited them to leave the safety of their “home” and live on Earth.

I asked Louisa if she would take a peak outside the cave. Once she made sure that the other parts were safe, her eyes explored the vista. I noticed where she was looking and saw her mother, father, grandparents, and others who cared about her.

Louisa was shown particulars about her future; I was not. I was only able to see the final image. She was old and sitting on a rocker, knitting. Happy and content. Louisa looked at me, and I knew she had witnessed her life as beautiful and full of love. Trust grew within her heart, and Louisa’s NO! became an exuberant YES!

She turned around, faced the cave, and beckoned to the “children,” the parts only she saw clearly. With outstretched arms, Louisa lovingly unified them within her body and walked out of the cave. She was greeted by a large white unicorn.

Louisa sat on the back of her power animal and flew with us to my healing spot in the lower world and was taken into the waters by my helpers for healing and replenishing. When they emerged and walked onto the shore, Louisa was her Full Self. Empowered. Strong. Wise. Clear. She looked to the side, and I noticed a switch in the “on” position. Smiling, she turned it off. Louisa was ready to return to her soul, and in a renewed state of freedom, my Teacher restored her to her true “home.” When that was complete, I called for any soul-parts the mother needed back at this time and blew them into her.


Mother, “These are a few things I noticed in the days and weeks after the healing.” 

Louisa began going to the bathroom alone. This in itself was a miracle. She also began going to her room to get dressed without needing someone with her. She’s been independent and brave in situations I never imagined. After 2 1/2 weeks away from school, I wondered how her first day back was going to be. When we walked into the classroom, her best friend wouldn’t talk to her, and another girl was crying. Seeing another child upset was always enough to set Louisa into extreme anxiety, but this time she didn’t get lost in either experience.

She calmly said good-by when I left, although I knew she was nervous. At the end of the day, i was greeted by a smiling girl. Louisa didn’t survive school that day; she had fun. She’s stayed at both grandparent’s homes overnight without me or her dad a number of times. As we watch her independence grow exponentially, she keeps surprising us. My daughter, no longer fearful or needy, has a new sense of self! She finally knows she is safe.

As for me, when I left Annie’s I felt lighter. More myself. Stress free. Which continues to this day.”

This is only one example of how quickly children integrate Spiritual Healing.

Don’t let limited ideas regarding time and space interfere with healing. 

Spiritual Healing has No Boundaries.


  1. Rachael berven

    Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Marianne Jacuzzi

    Powerful, beautiful story–absolutely gripping to read. I love the work you are doing, Annie. Feel its light across all distances. xx

    • Annie Fuller

      Marianne, I love that image. Blessings to you, Annie

  3. Raina

    Thanks for this great healing story, Annie. When I read it I feel/ think YES. It makes sense to me, and that is comforting. I’m inspired to get in touch for a healing with you!
    Also, when I read that Louisa’s power animal is a Unicorn, I said out loud, “Lucky!” I have loved unicorns since I was a kid, and still have my unicorn blankie from 1983. Annie brought me my power animal Queen Beatrice the Rhino 15 years ago, which is like Earth’s unicorn, I guess.

  4. amanda

    My name is Amanda. I have four children( boys). A friend of mine, Karen Applequist referred me to you.
    How would I go about setting up a healing for each of my children?
    Thank you for taking the time to respond 🙂


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