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The Four-Petaled Flower

Ceiling of a church in Peru. 

We are living during an auspicious time. The energetic template of Pachamama, Mother Earth is changing, and as Oneness seeks to re-establish itself, Duality and Separation are fighting for their lives. Human suffering is epidemic, with no end in sight. What can we possibly do?

It’s time to revisit the teachings of a universal symbol, the four-petaled flower. 

In Mexico, three thousand years ago, a natural cave was carved into the shape of a four-petaled flower. One thousand years later, the Teotihuacano’s built a city which included the construction of a pyramid on top of the cave. It is now known as the Pyramid of the Sun. For unknown reasons, ,in about 800 A.D. they vacated the city. The Toltecs soon discovered it, and centuries later, when the Aztecs arrived, Teo was in ruins.

Teotihuacan is a word roughly translated from Nahuatl that might mean—the place where man becomes god. The Aztecs called the large pyramids Sun and Moon based on their cosmology, and the north/south passageway through the city, the Avenue of the Dead.

The symbol of the four petaled flower is the center of the entire complex of Teotihuacan.

One day my dear friend, Emily and our adventurous spiritual travel group climbed to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun. We sat in the center, directly over the cave of the four petaled flower, and my Teotihuacano spirit teacher, Sarayna spoke:

“As you hear me speak, realize the energy of creation is filling you from underneath, up through the base of this pyramid. Let it fill you. This is what we did in my day.

The four petaled flower is a symbol of All Life, Wholeness, Beauty, Fragrance, Bounty, Harvest, and Union. My people loved and revered this symbol.

The energy of each petal imparts uniqueness, and each uniqueness comes together in the center. The center of the flower is a combined union of all of the petals, and itself radiates out to create the energy of the entire symbol, which is its own uniqueness.

In my day every home had a specific altar place where the four petaled flower resided and radiated.

Sometimes we became the four petaled flower. During ceremony and in festivals, we would dance, sing, and integrate the symbol inside ourselves in a deeply conscious way. Life: No Beginning and No End. Unified. This is human shape-shifting.

It is important to instill the four petaled flower within. Imagine your heart center is the circle within the flower, and each petal radiates out from your upper chest.

Every day is an opportunity to live as a four petaled flower. Receive its energy. Become the energy. Feed the energy to all humanity. ”

From a painting in New Mexico.


Let’s make a commitment. Look in the mirror every day and say, “I am a four-petaled flower of wholeness.” Breathe to our center, our heart/soul space, and envision our flower radiating out.

But that’s just the beginning. Our flowers come alive and blossom as we express them. Moment to moment, day by day, our unique scents, beauty, and colors emanate. Can we commit to living our passion and creativity?

Every human being is a rare and perfect manifestation of the four-petaled flower.

Given the horrific state of affairs in our country and world, the least we can do is live as the unique and individuated flowers we are. Everyone has a part. What’s yours? Are you living your uniqueness? Acknowledging your gifts? Sharing them?

As Sarayna implores, “Become the energy and feed the energy to all humanity.”

From a mural in Mexico


  1. Anasuya Basil

    Thank you for these beautiful words and images. It also makes me think of the 4 directions, and how we are always at the center of East, South, West and North.

    • Annie Fuller

      Yes. I love that.

  2. Lj

    I’m committed! Thank you. There is so much simple beauty to this life.

    • Annie Fuller

      Simple beauty. Let’s look for it everywhere.

  3. Salita

    This is inspiring, eloquently stated, yet ample and pure. Thank you for this reminder, for this call to beauty during these Hellish times.
    Love grows within.

    • Annie Fuller

      Enhancing words; thank you.

  4. Michon

    Bloom where you’re planted! And I love you so!

    • Annie Fuller

      Yes. And – know that we’re planted anew in every minute, wherever we might find ourselves. The grocery store, bank, movies, river……… Blooming four petaled flowers everywhere!

  5. Miss Pearl

    <3 <3 <3 <3

    • Annie Fuller

      I just learned this means 4 hearts. Thanks Ashley!


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