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An Overview

Some of this information came through me from my Teacher, Ezekiel.

Earth is her own Being. In the beginning, before life forms evolved into humans, her soul was pure, pristine, and unified. In our first human lifetime our souls were pure, pristine, and unified.

Aligned with Source.

As we evolved the outer world became more alluring and real than the inner, and people looked outside themselves for meaning. That’s when amnesia of our origin and identity solidified within our souls, and the illusion of separation from Source became a tangible reality.

This is has always been a planet of duality.

We exist with both separation and a yearning for that which we never separated from existing side by side.

In the meantime, the stronger separation grew, the more disharmonious our actions became. We cut old growth trees. Pollute water and air. Wage war for money and power. Put children in cages. Own acres of land while millions are homeless. Shoot neighbors.

As the energetic of separation lodges within the outer skin of each person’s soul, it affects our health and creates emotional and physical illness.

Earth/Pachamama, our mother tries to heal us and has been been collecting our separation energy for thousands of years. This resulted in a thick layer of heavy energy encompassing the outer skin of her soul. We are within her soulscape so the makeup of that skin affects us. It feeds our original wound which in turn feeds her energy which keeps the illusion growing.

It’s a loop, and Pachamama is trying to get us out of it. 

Like human beings, Pachamama is on an evolutionary path of consciousness. People speak of healing her, yet she can heal herself. To get back to the original template of unity and oneness, she must shed separation and duality.

Evolution occurs slowly at times and at others there’s a more rapid movement, a quickening. Pachamama has moved into an energetic healing vortex.

She’s transmuting duality so oneness can radiate again.

Every day we see duality fighting for its life. Power over. Greed. Racism. Lack of compassion. The illusion of separation/duality is a powerful energetic and will not give up easily.

I know you feel this quickening.

We’re also seeing oneness manifest. People are unifying. Sharing. Compassionately supporting one another.

Separation and oneness walk side by side.

There are many parts to play, and each of us must discover what ours is. And then live it. Bottom line, it’s time to heal our own inner separation and arrive at a place of self love. Yes, this is easier said than done, but it’s time. The more people radiating oneness, the sooner Pachamama’s healing transition can complete.

Heal your heart. Share your heart. Become a beacon of Light. Spend time in nature. Follow your knowings.

Teach these things to the children. 

This is a crazy, intensive time for all of us. Whether we peacefully protest, sign petitions, pray, or bake cookies for our family, we must at least become conscious of our individual duality and how it affects our lives and the lives of others. Too many people are in battle with themselves! We’re the only ones that can heal our divisive inner suffering. Right now we’re in the healing vortex with Pachamama. What a wonderful time to release heavy energy, expand our hearts, and unify within. Let’s remember who we are: Spirit. Lights of Loving Consciousness.

Spread the Light.


  1. Coral

    Loved this!!!!! Thank you

  2. Marti

    Thank you Annie! You are such a blessing for me.

  3. Sarah French

    That allowed me a deep, deep breath! Thank you. Nice perspective. xoxo

  4. Rosie White

    Thank you Annie!

  5. Salita


  6. Sue

    The Phoenix rises once again. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Gena

    Yes! Thank you, love you


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