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Soul Retrieval Integration

This is an brief excerpt from my book:

Unity Begins Within: Spiritual Healing and the Four-Petaled Flower of Wholeness.


Dissociation and soul loss are common themes for a majority, if not all, of my clients, whether they’re physically ill, emotionally suffering, or energetically challenged. We can recover from traumatic events. I’ve had more soul retrievals than I can count and believe I wouldn’t be sane or healthy without them.

Soul-parts are multi-dimensional aspects of the soul. They hold the reasons for their dissociation, the heavy energy of the trauma, and the repressed refined energy we were unable to feel and express while living in survival. We can’t be fooled by their emotional state. All parts—happy, sad, frightened, angry—are dissociated for some reason. This is why it’s vitally important for each one to receive some kind of healing before being restored to a person’s soul.

A soul retrieval story can be linear, metaphoric, and/or allegoric. And while it’s always uniquely symbolic to the person, they may or may not fully understand it themself. Ultimately, none of this matters—it’s how the story intuitively feels to them.

Integrating a soul retrieval is an interesting, exciting, and creative process. I’ve seen and experienced immediate results, although the initial integration phase generally lasts about three days, the amount of time it takes for the newly restored, refined energy to stabilize within the soul. During this time a person might find themself in any number of states—emotional, exhausted, energized, unable to sleep, excessive dreaming, starving, not hungry at all … You name it, it’s happened. The energy generally balances by day four. although the energies harmonize over days, weeks, and even months. Some soul-parts require little attention, while others necessitate a great deal.

Integration suggestions.

Sit with both hands on your heart/soul space. Breathe. Use your imagination and call to each restored soul-part. Welcome them home in as loving a way as possible. Notice their behavior. Ask if there’s anything each one wants to share. Listen—this is important. And trust what you’re experiencing—this is even more important. Then ask each part, “What would you like for dinner?”

Most people are surprised when I suggest this and surprised again at the response they receive. A vegetarian client called me two weeks after her soul retrieval to share a story. She’d been craving a McDonald’s burger all week and couldn’t understand why—until she had an “aha” moment. When she was nine years old, those burgers were her favorite food. Her reunited little girl wanted comfort food, and in an act of pure self-love, the forty-two-year-old took her nine-year-old self to McDonald’s.

Remember your healing intention.

Create an altar. Write down your intention and place it where it can be easily seen. Include pictures of yourself at whatever age(s) you were found. If you received a power animal, put a picture or statue of it on your altar. Claim your intention every day. Your entire post-healing experience unfolds in relation to this, and if you stay awake and live “as if,” your healing process might accelerate.

A student said, “The intention becomes an anchor for the conscious embodiment of the healing.”

Check in with your soul-part(s) every day. What do they want and need? Can you accommodate them?

Sit someplace where you won’t be disturbed. Bring a pencil and paper. Ask one part at a time if there’s anything it wants to say. Pick up your pencil with your non-dominant hand and begin writing. I learned this in my early thirties at an inner child workshop and had a huge awakening as a result. Little Annie, about seven years old, came through, and I discovered how scared and unhappy she (I) was. It was the first visceral awareness I ever had about my unsafe childhood environment.

Don’t forget about your power animal. What medicine does it want to offer you?  You can research this but try asking directly. Here’s a power animal story. A client was in temple when the Rabbi broke down weeping in the middle of giving a talk. He told the congregation that his mother had recently died. My client became creative in a way that had never occurred to me—she asked her power animal to be with the rabbi. Within minutes, she told me, he regained his composure, took a deep breath, and expressed that he suddenly felt a new-found calmness. My client smiled.

Integration is a conscious, self-loving exploration. As you partner with your retrieved soul-parts, you might feel a little crazy at first, but one day you’ll realize you haven’t checked in for a while. Do it. Is everyone happy? If so, perhaps integration is complete.


Shamanic Soul Retrieval Supports us to Achieve Inner Unity,

Remember Spiritual Unity, and

Live Unity.


  1. Sharon Cardenas

    The shared stories are helpful and heartwarming. Thank you Annie.

    • Annie Fuller

      You’re so welcome, Sharon. Stories seem to be the glue that helps teachings come together in our minds and souls.
      Blessings to you, Annie

  2. Lj

    Thank you! You are so wise and generous.
    Much love and appreciation.

    • Annie Fuller

      Ahhhhh. Thank you, LJ. It’s always a pleasure to share.
      Blessings to you, Annie

  3. Clebia

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and belief in the human capabilities. I will follow your advise since my world is feeling so off. Namaste Annie. I would love you to visit my house and do a clearing with me. Shall we talk?

    • Annie Fuller

      You’re welcome, Clebia.
      Yes. I’ll send you a private email.
      Blessings to you, Annie

  4. Jillian

    Dearest Annie –
    Timing is everything. God knew I so needed this. Your timing is perfect. Miss and love you. We’ve moved to Oregon. Take care of all of Annie. Doing the same. Jillian

  5. Joy


  6. Snowflower

    You have a soothing way about you. Glad I found you and look forward to connecting. I sent you a PM on FB. xo


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