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Peace and Unity

Our world has become fraught with separation and disunity. I hope this story provides a new way of perceiving it.


Alissa came for a Healing Ceremony. She was anxious, unable to sleep, and deeply fearful regarding the state of the world. “Everything feels out of control,” she wailed.

Alissa’s intention: I accept things as they are.

While acceptance was the state of being Alissa desperately wanted to attain, when I sat at her feet and entered her soul, I noticed she did not have a sense of inner peace, and in its absence, chaos was flourishing. A deeper level of intention arose. 


I placed my hands upon Alissa’s feet, and the Light of Love flowed from my center, down my arms, out my hands, and into her body and soul. As she filled with Light, floodgates opened and rivers of heavy energy released.

I rested my hands on each of Alissa’s energy centers. When one was upon her heart/soul space and the other on her forehead, Alissa’s heart and mind spontaneously unified. 

This inner Unity is missing for many of us. Why have we given our minds so much power?

They are instruments of our souls, not conductors

The Light flowed, and as it worked its unseen magic through my hands, my Teacher took me on a journey.

I found myself at a river where a thriving, ancient Grandmother olive tree was growing along the sandy banks. My Teacher said we were in Israel, and the tree was from the time of Jesus.

I watched him pick an olive from the upper branches and carefully place it into Alissa’s heart/soul space. He told me to breathe three times while simultaneously pushing Light in. “This will fertilize the olive,” he said. Then he spoke directly to Alissa,  

Nurture this fruit, my dear, and it will grow into a Tree of Peace and Unity.”

When the healing was complete, I shared my Teacher’s words. I also suggested Alissa begin and end each day with a simple spiritual practice—Centering and Grounding—to help her remain clear and align her conscious awareness with greater realities. 

Alissa was amazed at the peace and joy she felt after the Healing Ceremony. She received my Teacher’s wisdom through her open heart and began her spiritual practice that evening. She still has a difficult time accepting the world in its present condition, something most of us struggle with, yet as she nurtures the fruit within her soul, Alissa has been experiencing the growth of spiritual roots and a more peaceful inner life.

And the olive tree? Its roots are growing as well. 

Receive an olive from this tree. Place it in the center of your soul. 

Fertilize it with Light. 

And know that Unity exists always, no matter how horrendous life appears. 

Happy New Year, Friends. 

1 Comment

  1. Paula Edgar

    Stories are powerful. This is a good one, gave me ‘godbumps’. Thank you for the centering & grounding reminder and the sweet, simple exercise. Thank you for the gift of the olive 🫒 to nourish 💗. Thank you for acknowledging and addressing our time. High on my list of gratitude is you, Annie! May you have a peaceful, joyous New Year! 🤩💞


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