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Annie Fuller

Unity Begins Within

Friends, Below is an article you can find in the latest Lotus Guide, a Northern California magazine. It's part of the Introduction of my not-yet-published book (next year!)—Unity Begins Within: Spiritual Healing and the Four-Petaled Flower of Wholeness. Enjoy and Share. Annie In 2011, one of my spirit teachers said: “Your planet is in a turbulent situation and cannot continue to exist in the ways it has been going.” Was he prophesying our current political, socio-economic, and racial crises?...

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Intuition is the Knowing of the Soul

What is Intuition? How does it work? Why do some seem to have more of it than others? Intuition is when our Self, the Spirit, expresses to us, the Human, the knowings of our Soul. It is our Truth.  Intuition is always present, but do we pay attention to it? Are we taking the time to listen?  And once we’ve heard, do we respond? Like everything else, Intuition is energy. Have you ever felt, sensed, or known something and then chosen to ignore it? What happened? How did you feel? Were you left...

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Channeling Light

Let’s take the prayer you learned in the previous blog post—The Light of Love is All—to the next level. First, center and ground, as described in the post “Centering, Grounding, and Gratitude.” Next, place your hands on the center of your chest, your heart/soul space, close your eyes, and imagine a Light there. This is the Light of Source—The Light of Love— that lives within everyone’s center. It might look like the flame of a candle. Breathe in. Exhale. Focus each inhalation on your Light,...

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In times like these…

...we need something we can believe in, something we know for sure is true. This prayer has been an anchor for me since 2001. I was channeling Mother Mary for a healing class when someone asked, “Can you give us a prayer?” These words—The Light of Love is All—flowed directly out my mouth. Ever since that moment, they’ve become my mantra. The Light of Love is All. This phrase is alive. I repeat it at every Healing Ceremony. When I channel Light. Pray. If I feel scared, in despair, or am unable...

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Soul Retrieval Integration

This is an brief excerpt from my book: Unity Begins Within: Spiritual Healing and the Four-Petaled Flower of Wholeness.   Dissociation and soul loss are common themes for a majority, if not all, of my clients, whether they’re physically ill, emotionally suffering, or energetically challenged. We can recover from traumatic events. I’ve had more soul retrievals than I can count and believe I wouldn’t be sane or healthy without them. Soul-parts are multi-dimensional aspects of the soul. They...

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Spiritual Parents

Here's another excerpt from my manuscript:  Unity Begins Within, Spiritual Healing and the Four-Petaled Flower of Wholeness. Separation, whether physical separation at birth or the illusion of spiritual separation from Source, creates both inner and outer disunity. And central to separation is our human craving for unconditional love. Many of us have a hollow space within that we expected our biological parents to fill, but now that we’re older, realize this was never possible. A human being...

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Centering, Grounding, and Gratitude

Centering and Grounding are the Foundations of Health and Healing.  Most of us have become so busy and consumed with getting through life that not only have we lost our personal center or inner compass, but awareness of the foundation under our feet—Earth—has lapsed. Even more important, too many have forgotten that they live inside a body! We wake up to a blaring alarm and immediately get ready: make coffee or tea, shower, brush our teeth, dress. Maybe... we leave time to eat. No wonder that...

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Happy Birthday Guadalupe: December 12

Friends, Sorry for the lateness of this. I just realized my mail chimp account doesn't go out on Saturday! Anyway... you can still rejoice in this magnificent miracle today, and now you know the date for next year. It's always December 12th. Annie In 1531, Guadalupe appeared to an Indigenous man named Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill, in what is now known as Mexico City, and beseeched him to tell the local bishop to build a church there. The bishop was no fool; he wanted proof of this mystical...

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A Camp Fire Story

I am a survivor of the Camp Fire that occurred on Thursday, November 8, 2018, exactly two years ago today. I wrote this story sometime in the first year post-fire and dedicate it to everyone that has ever been affected by a disaster. It is just over a year since I moved to my oasis in Paradise, California, a town of 27,000 residents in the foothills of the Sierras. Douglas fir, pine, redwood, and cedar trees surround and serve as guardians of my almost one acre, lush, fenced in property....

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Ezekiel: August 2011 – The Future

Friends, This is an edited channelling from exactly nine years ago when my teacher Ezekiel was preparing us for NOW. He always amazes me. Read it with an open heart and mind. Blessings of Abundant Love and Vibrant Health, Annie "You have noticed that your planet is in a turbulent situation. The winds of change are upon her and blowing quite fiercely at times. All the change you feel within yourself and see outside yourself is occurring for the earth at a dramatic pace. Let us speak of...

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