There's a new Lotus Guide magazine on the stands. If you're local, pick it up. If not, you can read my article here. Everyone is talking about the Phoenix. According to one story, as this mystical bird nears the end of its life it builds a nest of aromatic branches and spices, sits upon it, and purposefully sets it on fire. Consumed by flames, the Phoenix becomes ash. That’s when a miraculous transformation takes place. At some point a newly formed Phoenix manifests, and in its own unique...
Annie Fuller
The Four-Petaled Flower
We are living during an auspicious time.
Shamanic Journeying Workshop
During this in-person workshop, you will learn how to journey in a safe, small group setting while receiving personal attention and support.
New offering: February 7 – 9, 2025.
Spiritual Dilemma
Many people experiencing Spiritual Dilemma feel they’re in a body by mistake.
The Rising of the Phoenix
In my last blog I wrote - "Maybe I’ve had a little glimpse of Light, but my vision is limited as I live in another layer of what feels to be never ending layers of ash." I continue to learn what being in the ashes, or as my friend, Linda Jean said, in the coals, is about. For me, it's been a dismemberment. The Past is over, yet the Present is filled with the Past. My town is gone. My home, Pachamama's Oasis, exists only in memories and pictures, and the land is in the process of being cleared....
The Condor, Eagle, and Phoenix: A Journey of a Lifetime
Friends, The Phoenix is a mystical bird. One of the stories is, as it nears the end of its life, the Phoenix builds a nest of aromatic branches and spices, sets it on fire, and becomes consumed within the flames. Then at some point afterward, it rises up from the ashes. A classic metaphor for rebirth. The thing is - none of the stories I've explored speak about what happens to the Phoenix when it's actually in the ashes. This is what I've spent the past 5 months learning about. And am still...
January 9th is 2 months plus 1 day post Fire. Michele and I are thrilled to offer this opportunity to come together and continue our individual healing process'. Each of us has been affected. Whether you drove through the Skyway firestorm and lost your beloved home, as I did, or welcomed and lived in service to the survivors, as Michele did, one thing is for sure. We're All in This Together. UNITY is called for now, more than ever. Individual and Collective. Let's unify our hearts and...
Friends, I post this about once a year, usually at a time I need to re-read and absorb it. That time is Now. It's probably the most dear and profound message ever to come through. It happened in 2005. She spoke to a healing class, and when She was complete, we were stunned and immediately listened to the recording. The fire catapulted me into unchartered territory. I believe if I can truly Rest in Her Arms, Align with my Hearts Desires, and Allow Her to Care for me in all the ways, the path...
Evacuation Lifted
Friends, My evacuation lifted on Saturday, so Apu and I left Weed and drove to Paradise and Pachamama's Oasis. He stayed in the car while I walked my 2/3 acre. Around and around, many times. I must have been there a few hours, walking and taking pictures. Arty devastation pics. Some of you might have seen a few on facebook. I think I was pretty dissociated. On Sunday, Kathy, Krissy, Scott, Michele, and I went up. In the rain, we donned our hazmat suits and excavated. For hours. Another day of...
Post-Fire Gratitude Update
Dear Friends and Family, Known and Unknown, I'm writing this on December 13th, 5 weeks since the fire. That day is embedded within my body and soul, and I find myself in a dance with it. One of my partners is me - my personal, multi-layered experiences of shock and grief and anger and deep sadness. Another is the collective. Because this is both a personal and collective experience. When my personal partner returns, she always gives me a big spin around - my privilege, my blessedness, my...