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Khuya Ceremony Teachings



Khuya means sacred object in Quechua, the language of the Q’ero, descendants of the Inca. The Khuya Ceremony is part of their heritage. Few Q’ero elders perform it, and thanks to Juan Nunez del Prado, Andean Priest and Mystic, it has been kept alive.

The Khuya Ceremony takes place within the soul, or energy bubble, as the Q’ero call it. This is the field of living energy surrounding our physical bodies that expands, contracts, and defines our personal space (or lack of.) The purpose of the ceremony is to open, cleanse, and connect the energy centers, as well as empower, clear, and harmonize the bubble.

Our centers are connected via a series of chunpis – belts of energy and power. This interactive ceremony clears attachments, projections, and heavy energy from the soul. It leaves a person refreshed and in their own energy, often for the first time in their lives.

Each time we use our five khuya stones to preform the ceremony, our relationship with them deepens. The more we use them, the more powerful they become.

Initiated by Juan in 1997, I’ve been working with my stones and performing this ceremony for twenty-one years. I’ve found it beneficial and powerful for every recipient, including myself, and have witnessed many healings.

I’ve used the Khuya Ceremony as a means of freeing a person from dysfunction lodged within the outer edges of their soul. This  allows Shamanic Rebirth to occur.

Engage in Shamanic Ceremony.

Make and begin using a mesa (medicine bundle.) 

Explore qualities of energy and the soul/energy bubble.

Work with your qosco (spiritual stomach) and digest heavy energy.

Connect with your personal khuya stones. 

Learn about and participate in Shamanic Rebirth.

Enhance your Soul while Learning, Experiencing, and Performing the Khuya Ceremony.

Enjoy a full experiential weekend of Ceremony, Shamanism, and Teachings from the Andean Mystical Path.


  1. Willow


    I would like to register for this weekend. ❤️

    • Annie Fuller

      Willow, I sent you a personal email and just put a paypal option on the web. Use the Friends and Family option. Annie

  2. Paula

    Healing with the Khuyas is powerful. I speak from experience, both observing and receiving. Yes, I may very well want to register for this workshop, Annie. I love that you’re offering it! Much love and gratitude!

    • Annie Fuller

      YES! Humpue, humpue Paulita.

  3. Carrie Hodges

    I would like to attend next time you offer a healing such as this. Hugs Annie!


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