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Maintaining the Energy of Your Soul

Imagine being in the center of a large, multi-layered, bubble.

I’m sure you’ve experienced this. When you’re in a pristine place in nature, don’t you feel expansive? When you’re frightened or angry, doesn’t the contraction feel almost claustrophobic? Your soul is breathing.

The soul is located in the center of our chest, in what I call the “heart/soul space.”

It radiates out and encircles the body. Composed of refined and heavy energies, soul serves as a container for spirit, as well as a protector of our human selves. It’s a living library consisting of all we, as spirit, need to resolve and complete in this lifetime. Energy within the landscape of the soul, from the outer edge and inward, reflects and mirrors through the layers and manifests in our physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. Other names for soul are aura and human energy field.

The Q’ero, descendants of the Inka, call the soul “energy bubble.”

They classify energy in two specific ways – refined, or sami, and heavy, or hucha. Hucha shows up in our lives as unhappiness and illness. Ideally, our energy bubbles are full of sami, for the more sami within one’s soul, the healthier and happier a person is. 

What makes hucha?

Anger, jealousy, judgement, sarcasm, disappointment, sorrow, shame, suffering, fear, and frustration are a few possibilities. Soul loss is another, for when parts of the soul are missing, hucha fills the empty spaces. We’re human. It’s normal for emotions and survival experiences to create heavy energy.

Some of us try to dissipate the hucha of a loved one by taking it on ourselves.

The problem is – the person we’re trying to help might feel comfortable for a few minutes, but we’re stuck with the energy. Children do this. They want harmony in the family, so when their parents are fighting they try to resolve things by taking on the heavy energy. Later they have a tantrum, for unknown to everyone, they’ve gotten lost in their parents hucha. A tantrum is a child’s way of releasing uncomfortable feelings and heavy energy. Have you ever become lost in hucha? When there’s too much in our bubble, we don’t feel ourselves.

Hucha lodged within the soul often builds upon itself and attracts or grows more.

This can be detrimental to our health. Because soulular energy eventually manifests on the emotional and physical, hucha can manifest as psychiatric problems, tumors, autoimmune diseases, and varieties of illness on all levels.

A person afraid of intimacy might energetically close their heart to feel safe.

Years of this practice grows hucha, and the stuck energy might one day manifest as a heart attack. Autoimmune diseases are not uncommon in people with excessive soul loss, for too much heavy energy fills the spaces where soul parts should be.

This is why we want to pay attention and maintain the energy of our soul/bubble. It’s easy.

Close your eyes.

Breathe deeply – in through your nose and out your mouth. Take time to settle into your body. When you’re settled, begin to center. Inhale through your heart/soul space, and exhale out your entire body. In and out. Fill your body and soul with your fullness of self.

Centered? Now ground.

Breathe in through your heart/soul, and imagine a cord moving down from there, through the center of your body, and out your first chakra, (in-between your legs). Continue growing this cord through the floor beneath you and into the depths of Pachamama/Mother Earth. You’ll have a different experience each time you ground.

State an intention to release your heavy energy.

You don’t have to know where it’s located. Breathe in, and exhale it down and out, through your cord and entire body, into Pachamama. Take your time. Let it all go.

When you’re complete…..

Breathe Pachamama’s empowered sami up through your cord, and exhale it through your center into your body and soul. You’ll have lots of room. Fill your bubble with refined energy all the way to its golden, outer edges. Finished? Enjoy the feeling of being centered, grounded, and full of sami. You might be smiling.

Energy is always in a cycle of transmutation.

The Q’ero say when Beings of the upper world release their hucha, we, in this middle world, receive it as sami. Pachamama is a heavy energy eater, digester, and transformer. She receives our hucha and offers it as sami for the Beings in the lower worlds.

We are spirit within soul within body.

Our physical and emotional health depends upon us being centered, grounded, whole, and connected to both our bodies and the Earth. When we take a few minutes each day to do this exercise – in the morning, before bed time, or whenever the need arises – we’re consciously maintaining our energetic health. This helps us feel solid. Empowered. Our unique, energetic selves.

If you don’t feel whole, or have trouble grounding, or aren’t healthy, consider soul retrieval.

The landscape of the soul affects our entire human experience.



  1. Paula

    Yes! And thank you!

    • Annie Fuller

      You’re welcome, Paulita.

  2. Susan Patricio

    Fabulous explanation & the gift of a self care process. Appreciate you Annie! ❤️

    • Annie Fuller

      Thank you Sue. I appreciate you as well.

  3. Shel Najera

    This felt great! I usually use the grounding cord to release what no longer serves me in my meditations. But to stop and take this time to really focus on getting all the hucha out of my body felt really powerful. Perfect for this day as I realized how much of everyone elses energy I was storing and carrying around with me, causing me worry and insomnia.

    Thank you Annie, for your love and light. I miss you friend.
    Hugs, Shel

    • Annie Fuller

      I’m so glad this is helpful. I miss you too!

  4. Lj

    Yes-yes-yes and thank you- thank you- thank you for this generous important teaching! Love beams –>

    • Annie Fuller

      Receiving the beams………………. Thank you.

  5. Gena

    Thank you Annie, I needed something like this right now and here it is. Love you, as always grateful and inspired by your path.

    • Annie Fuller

      As I am by yours. We keep walking………….


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