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Pillar of Light

This exercise from Unity Begins Within is a beautiful way to clear heavy energy from the body and soul.

Hold this intention:

I am a centered, grounded Pillar of Light.

Center and ground. (Click link for ideas.)

Take a deep inhalation. Exhale heavy energy down and out—from the top of your head, to your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, torso, and both legs all the way to the tips of your toes and bottom of your feet. Push all your heaviness down. Pachamama/Mother Earth will receive it as food.  Imagine that she’s voraciously hungry.

Take your time. Notice how you feel with each release.

Once you’ve become centered, grounded, and as energetically clear as possible, focus your breath on the Light within the center of your heart/soul space. You know it. The Light of Love.  Breathe into this Light,

Envision it growing down your energetic system and merging with the earth. Then up your energetic system and merging with the sky. Then both simultaneously.

You’ve created a vertical ray of Light from within the center of your body.

With breath and focused intent, expand the ray horizontally until it becomes a grounded column surrounding your body.

A Pillar of Light.

Explore your pillar with your inner senses. Do you notice any energetic distortions? If so, breathe into your center and release them either up or down.

Enjoy your Pillar of Light for as long as feels comfortable—just make sure to remain centered and grounded.

When you feel complete, open your eyes. Center and ground one more time.

And smile.


  1. Mary Brentwood

    Thanks Annie. Love your smile ????

  2. Lj


  3. Pat

    YOU look full of light! so beautiful-thank you for this. xo

  4. Martha

    Thank you Annie! You’re such a blessing in my life. Please give Apu a big hug for me. Marti xxooo

  5. TL McMillian Lipner

    Ha! I looked down in the email and recognized a Bodhisattva. It was your picture! Serious giggling. Well earned enlightenment. Love you.

  6. Gena

    Thank you Annie! Your smile is beautiful and you are radiating light. Love you.


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