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Despacho Ceremony for Our Human Family

A Despacho is an offering that connects all Beings and Life forms.

It is a tradition of the Q’ero, the descendants of the Inka. 

Q’ero Elder Don Manuel Q’espi spoke about despachos in a presentation at Canyon de Chelley in May 1997. Here is some of what he said.

(translated by Jose Luis Herrera.)

“The despacho is a gift—a giving back of what we receive everyday in our lives. We seek, through the despacho ceremony, to bridge the ordinary and non-ordinary realms; to establish new patterns of relationship and possibility.

The despacho places us in right relationship, right ayni, with the Pachamama.

The contents of the despacho are in part determined by its purpose. The various elements that comprise the despacho energetically interact to permit access to portals or bridges from the ordinary and non-ordinary worlds. When working in ceremony with the despacho, one is accessing the non-ordinary energetic dimensions, the source of things. Though the contents may have symbolic significance, the despacho, when performed with the correct intent, transcends literal and symbolic domains and directly accesses the archetypal and energetic realms.

In order to build a good co-existence with nature, the only real choice we have is to enter with our heart, wisdom, and our action. We call upon the spirits of the waters, of the mountains, and of the Pachamama to come and help us prepare the offering. We have the intent of seeking to establish and maintain a continuous dialogue with the Mother and to bring balance and harmony to our lives, and to all our relations. It is through the dynamics of love, of right thinking, and of right action that our lives become bountiful.”

Join me in creating a Healing Despacho for Our Human Family.

Infused by the Spring Equinox energies of Growth, Life and Rebirth, I’ll open the ceremony on Friday at 7pm. and create the despacho. When it’s complete, I’ll offer it to Pachamama and the entirety of the Great Mystery by placing it in the fire pit of the four-petaled flower in my yard. 

SEND ME YOUR PRAYERS. I will infuse them into the offering.

The virus is offering us a HUGE opportunity to remember that we are One Human Family. Do we choose Separation or Oneness? Duality or Unity? Fear or Trust? Sisters and Brothers, we’re in the big time now, and we were born for this. Let’s center, ground, and find our core solidity. Deepen our Faith and Trust. And do everything we can to stay healthy on all levels.



  1. Lena

    I pray for a return to love , to transcend fear and anxiety, for all ! Thanks Annie for your service!

  2. Shana

    May all beings remember their true nature and embrace it in themselves and each other – for the benefit of all.

  3. Max

    Hi Anne and fullest of blessings to you. Thanks for starting this despacho. The name reminds me of despacio, Spanish for “slowly.” And that is what all humans are doing now, slowing down, driving less, thinking more.

    My prayer would be for us to plant a seed of faith. Faith that we humans will have the wisdom and compassion to nurture our common sources of life: our air, ocean life, trees and all plants and animals, and most importantly, the belief that there is enough for everyone. Faith that we can provide for the poorest of the poor and still care for our own families. Faith that we can come together no matter our many differences, leave our selfish ways, and care for the essentials systems of life on earth. Faith that we will slow down and listen to each other and fully understand each other, and that the appreciation of common purpose will lead to a deeper trust. Faith that our many weapons against each other can be discarded. Faith that the joy of creating a sustainable planet will grow and heal the many fears that drive our current society. Faith that war and the need for economic dominance are real byproducts of an unnecessary myth created by the fearful. Faith that we will form a collective vision to create new ways of life on this planet from scratch based on collective trust, not just patches on the broken systems.

  4. Lj

    Prayers for the health of All Beings. Each breath unites us. May we breathe love. May we breathe right thinking. May we breathe right action. May the meditations of our hearts be the breath we share.

    • Max

      Wow, that is so beautiful and USEFUL. Thank you.

  5. Rosie

    Thank you for this opportunity, Annie. May we all find a renewed sense of the Sacred all around us and within one another, all our relations. With kindness and respect to all. I’ll be drumming along at home. Lovingly, lovingly.

  6. Jean Louise

    Annie, this is wonderful! Thank you for your commitment to healing and Love on all levels, and in all relationships. I appreciate your initiative in honoring the sacred world of nature and its Great Mysteries. Slowing down, yes that sounds good. it is a huge opportunity. Please count me in with many Blessings!

  7. Eden

    Thank you for this offering and all that you do. My prayer is a thank you to great spirit for all of the blessings that have been given, to the many spirits that seek to guide and assist us, to Mother Earth for all of her care and nurturing, to our ancestors who are wanting to speak to us now, to the indigenous people all over the planet that have kept the prayers and ceremonies alive, to all the light workers who continue to walk in beauty, thank you. I ask for all of our hearts to be open to love, that our every act be filled with compassion and courage, for our minds be open to truth and guidance that we may be able to do what we came into this life to do, I pray that we may come together to find the ways to right all of the wrongs that have been done, that all of us return to our path and remember the mission that we have each chosen in this life time, please fill our bodies with strength our hearts with love, and our thoughts with clarity of intention. May all beings know peace, may all beings be free,, may we all walk in unity.

  8. Samantha S

    Thank you so much, dear Annie!
    My prayer: That every human being on Earth remember, in whatever way is best for them, that they are The Light, and that this remembrance nurtures and guides each of us from now on.

  9. Emily

    Gracias amiga for doing this! My prayer is for the greater awakening of humanity, for grace and peace, healing for the ill, and for sustenance for the poor, who will be the hardest hit by the economic consequences of this. May we remember Union. and may we make every choice always from a place of love and compassion. Thank you!

  10. Jessica Sabatine-Diaz

    Thank u Annie for preparing and activating this form of deep prayer –
    I pray for peace of mind, patience, grace and deep love and appreciation for my life, and the lives around me. I ask for prayers of protection for the elderly and the ones w pre existing conditions and the poor and desolate. May we come thru the darkness to an everlasting world of light n love. Gracias! ????????♥️☮️????☀️????

  11. Leo Ryan

    Thank you so much for doing this. My prayer is that this time creates new bonds of love and support. My prayer is that the wisdom, comfort and guidance of Pacha Mama, Inti Tai and Mama Kia, spirit allies and power animals become evident and embraced by all.
    Munay to all!

  12. Frances

    For all the new babies and the Grandmothers unable to hold them.

  13. Karen

    Thank you with love and gratitude, Pachamama, Apus,
    Great spirit, our ancestors, help us be strong, and choose love and compassion. Receive us, we thank you for our lives.

  14. Shannon

    I love you Annie. My prayer is for all of us to hold the light. Envision a world coming together. Envision the virus delivering it’s message and letting go of its hold on us. We are healing fast and together. We emerge full of Light and strong in ourselves.

  15. Teresa Willis

    Tagged my Allyu and others. Thank you.

  16. Tone

    Thank you so much for this opportunity to give a prayer.

    I pray for my health, I pray for the health of all sentient beings, I pray for the health of mother earth.

    I pray for the trees, the plants, our air, our oceans, our birds, our insects, our mammals,our reptiles,

    I pray that the children of the earth will remember that they too have been everything that exists, that they remember their long journey throughout existence

    I pray that we all will return to our true state , as children of the sun, realizing we are all one, that we are all parts of pure consciousness expressing itself
    Through us

    I pray that we remember that everything we look for in the external world, is to be found inside

    I pray that our hearts will burst open, that we will hear our spiritual path calling us home

    Home is oneness with everything and everyone, home is the love in our hearts, home is gratitude, home is humbleness, home is sharing,home is where heaven and earth meet, home is prayer, home is inner peace and outer peace, home is acceptance, home is freedom from fear, home is harmony, home is beingness

    we are that home, we have the choice to be that home for ourselves and others
    For panchamama

    Home is the new earth
    Our forgotten Eden
    I pray that the time of our rebirth has arrived,
    As we die to the old ways of suffering on this planet,
    We now walk each other home

    May love illuminate the planet and the hearts of all of her children

    Munay. Urpichay. Amen.

  17. Sara

    During this time of the equinox, we pray for peace and healing on all levels and the restoration of balance within the natural world. Thank you Divine Love, and thank you Annie for facilitating this despacho!

  18. Gena

    Thank you Dear sister Annie,

    Tomorrow is my 69th birthday so my prayers are imbued with that energy.

    I pray that we as a world, nation and community recognize the value of caring for ourselves, each other, all living beings and earth and that becomes clear as what we organize around and support in our systems. I pray we have the courage to rest in love during this transition. I love you Annie!

  19. Joy

    May we stay grounded, centered and in tune with our vitality. May we find ourselves always in the right place at the right time. And may we walk calmly through this together, bringing our loved ones with us. ????
    Thank you Annie for adding my prayer. I will be tuning in and probably saying more prayers tomorrow. XO

  20. Jennifer

    My prayers are for the peace and well being of mama Gaia and all of her inhabitants. That all may be cared for, nourished and loved – including mother Earth herself – all the rocks & trees, the water and wind; all of the animals and fish and birds – the beautiful vital bees and other insects. Let this time be looked back upon as a monumental healing and deeply transformative reset with a cosmic leap forward in human consciousness into an entirely new paradigm. One where humans live in harmony with one another and the natural world, the animal kingdoms and all of the hidden realms. An end to separation from our Divine nature. Thank you so much for your service. With Love, Jennifer

  21. Michon

    My prayer is for the Great Awakening to continue taking place with grace and ease and for humanity to continue merging together through the most awesome event this planet and consequently our Universe has ever experienced. May we as a WHOLE emerge as One Being. One Light. One Love.
    And so it is my beautiful Sister.
    With deepest love and gratitude for our everlasting connection.

  22. Giuseppe

    I pray for my health, for the health my friends, families and loved ones. I pray for healing. For all of us to have the courage to care for one another. To take care of those most at risk, to show each other compassion, love and understanding. I pray that those who are dying to find peace in their final moments. I pray for us to be brave and use this time to reflect deeply, turn inwards and discover the strength we have to make the changes humanity so desperately needs to make so that we can come out If this crisis with a new perspective, one where we begin to care for one another the earth and all living beings.

  23. Linda

    That our planet and all beings on it be healed and held in love . That my family be held in love and protection and move through this period with grace.

  24. Kathy

    Thank you Annie for sending all our prayers out to the world through your despacho.

    I pray that we all are able to let the love and light of the great spirit flow unhindered through our hearts, our eyes, our smiles, our hands to be a force for all that is good and right in the world. We have chosen to be here at this moment in time, let us be vehicles for sustaining and nurturing the world, and life, as we know is possible.

  25. Angeleque Sauer

    Thank you Annie ❤????
    I pray for health, peace ,strength, sight, so we can see what is coming and prepare, love for all and wisdom in our time of hardships. Protection from whatever man tries to harm us with. Bless you and protect you ❤

  26. Beam of light

    I pray for my family. I pray for the healing of their their bad health and the strength to endure. I pray that they will return to good health and open their heart to the light of love……
    I pray for the healing of the world. I pray that every living being can come together with pure kindness and love………
    Thank you Annie, I love you so much………

  27. Rich

    Thank you for the beautiful blessings????❤️

  28. momo diane

    My prayer is for the earth mother to be in her most healthy condition of balance, resiliency and natural order. May love and kindness lead us to the next stage in our evolution.

  29. Shar on

    Pray her power of gentle resources emerge into the hearts of those who wish (any sentient being) harm. And may we know: ” All is well.” AHO

  30. Paula Edgar

    May I be happy, joyful, trusting, safe & healthy and live in well-being for the benefit of all.
    May all sentient beings be free from disease and suffering.
    May the Air, Earth and Water be restored.
    May we learn greater compassion, kindness and generosity.
    May the highest good prevail.

  31. Elizabeth Dougherty

    My prayer is for the health of watersheds and all their inhabitants. For waters to flow freely and cleanly and be allowed to engage in their natural cycles.

  32. pat deflaun

    Thank you, Ann, for bringing us all together in prayer! I pray that all of us embrace hope rather than fear, embrace this opportunity for connection with each other and our mother earth, and remain open to all the lessons we are being provided. Bless us all!


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